The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 361 What am I throwing up?

Chapter 361 What am I throwing up?
Lou Cangyue jumped out of the carriage, ran to Bai Yingying's side, and grabbed Bai Yingying's arm: "Oh, you came earlier than me, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to come in."

In the carriage, Xiaohong, Xiaocui, and Meixiang jumped down one after another.

Bai Yingying waved: "Let's go, go to the third floor."

She walked in front first, Lou Cangyue held her arm and walked beside her.

Mei Xiang looked at Bai Yingying's attire, was stunned for a moment, then recognized it instantly, then ran up excitedly, walking on the other side of Bai Yingying.

Wang Song just woke up at this moment, and when he saw Bai Yingying walking forward, he yelled "Quack" and chased after her.

The three of Qi Fang followed behind.

The last person walking was Xiaohong Xiaocui.

The two looked at the two strange men in front of them, and their hearts were full of doubts.

In front, Bai Yingying asked Lou Cangyue in a low voice: "Then what happened to the one whose head was cut off? Could it be that in the death penalty in Nanchu, there are still people who had half their head cut off?"

"Yeah, did you see that?" Lou Cangyue didn't answer her, but looked at her with horror on her face: "Did you vomit just now?"

Bai Yingying frowned: "Why am I vomit?"

Lou Cangyue suppressed her nausea and complained in a low voice: "Well, it was originally beheaded, but he was afraid before he died, and when the knife fell, he shrunk his neck back. As a result, what should have been cut on the neck was chopped off on the head. .”

"Oh." Bai Yingying suddenly realized.

Lou Cangyue put her arms around her and said in a low voice: "Originally there were some who were poisoned and hanged to death, but those were relatively clean, and their families refused to sell them.

Just these three, one has no relatives and no reason at home, and the other two died too ugly. Their family members were terrified to death, so they didn't dare to restrain themselves, so they heard that I wanted to buy them, and immediately sold them to me. "

The two of them were talking, and they came to the elevator entrance.

Bai Yingying raised her hand and pressed the elevator, and soon the elevator door opened.

Although the elevator is large, it cannot hold three carts and so many people.

Bai Yingying asked Qi Fang and Ji Ling to push the car and wait for the next elevator.

And Cui An pushed the cart and took the elevator with them.

In the elevator, Bai Yingying asked, "Where's Ming Lu?"

Cui An replied: "He went into the laboratory room after lunch, and he hasn't come out yet."

The experimental room is where Bai Yingying used to create. She gave Minglu some ideas before, so he must be studying in it right now.

After a while, the three corpses were pushed into the dissection room on the third floor.

Bai Yingying looked at Qi Fang: "Take off the clothes of these two corpses, and put them in this big tank."

After the buffer just now, Qi Fang and Ji Ling have recovered, and they are not too afraid of this.

It's just that the order to take off the clothes of these two men in front of these girls' homes is too strange.

Qi Fang hesitated for a moment, but stepped forward, lifted the white cloth, and began to take off the man's clothes.

When Ji Ling saw Qi Fang stepping forward, he followed suit.

The two took off the coat of the man on the cart, and stopped in a tacit understanding.

Bai Yingying had no choice but to order again: "Take off all their clothes."


Qi Fang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then please stay away, young master and girls."

Lou Cangyue hurriedly dragged Bai Yingying to run out, Xiaohong, Xiaocui and Mei Xiang hurriedly followed.

Five minutes later, Qi Fang came out and said, "My lord, it's already been put away."

Bai Yingying nodded, she walked in, and then walked towards the two big vats.

(End of this chapter)

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