The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 376 Such an excuse is too old-fashioned

Chapter 376 Such an excuse is too old-fashioned
A strange feeling of finding a bosom friend flashed across Bai Yingying's heart.

In an instant, she felt that something was wrong again. Thinking of his behavior yesterday, Bai Yingying's face darkened slightly.

"I have something else to do, I'll go first."

Bai Yingying was about to turn around, when Bei Chenyue suddenly said: "Miss Bai, please don't take what happened yesterday, I just lost my mind from the pain, that's why I accidentally admitted the wrong person."

"Wrong person?" Bai Yingying glanced at him in surprise, seeing that his face was sincere and his manner was polite, he was completely different from him yesterday.

It's just that the excuse of "admitting the wrong person" is too old-fashioned.

Bai Yingying sneered, and asked, "Master, are you going to say that I look very much like your dead first love?"

Bei Chenyue: "..."

The little girl was so clever that she said everything he wanted to say.

Bei Chenyue felt a little embarrassed, but smiled like a spring breeze on his face: "Miss Bai really knows how to joke, but you do look like a close person of mine.

However, it's not the first love, but the mother below. "

"Ah!" Bai Yingying let out a low voice. She raised her hand and pressed it lightly on her lips, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I didn't mean to curse your mother when I said it just now."

The relaxed smile on Bei Chenyue's face was tinged with sadness: "Miss Bai, you don't have to be sorry, my mother has indeed passed away. But, I hope that Miss Bai will forgive me for the sake of missing my loved ones." Let me explain yesterday's abrupt move."

Bai Yingying waved her hand: "It's okay, I'm not that stingy."

She said, looking up at the sky: "It's already noon, the young master hasn't eaten yet, there is a cafeteria over there, you can ask Qing Mo to cook for you."

She glanced left and right, but did not see Qing Mo: "Hey, where is Qing Mo?"

Bei Chen smiled a little embarrassedly: "I didn't bring any money with me, I was afraid that I would not be able to settle the medical expenses for the girl, so I asked Qing Mo to go out to get the money."

Bai Yingying was a little embarrassed by his polite manners.

She smiled awkwardly: "Actually, you don't need to be so anxious. Besides, you saved me last time. I should save you once now. It's even. I didn't want to ask you for medical expenses. "

The change in Bai Yingying's attitude made Bei Chen more happy.

But there was no trace of joy on his face, he just said modestly: "The last time I made a move, how could it be considered a rescue? It was just a matter of lifting a finger. Even without me, Miss Bai would at most just fall to the ground and hurt a little bit. Nothing will happen.

But this time I was different, if it wasn't for Miss Bai to save me, I would have drowned long ago. "

He said, pointing to his right leg: "If there is no Bai girl, this leg will also be useless.

Therefore, the medical expenses are absolutely indispensable. Even if the girl doesn't ask for it from me, I will give it to you with both hands. "

Bai Yingying heard him speak so sincerely, and her impression of him became better and better, and the unhappiness from yesterday had already disappeared.

She looked at Mei Xiang: "Mei Xiang, this young master's entourage is not here now, you go to the cafeteria and get him a meal."

Mei Xiang nodded in agreement, she was about to leave, but she heard Bei Chenyue's instructions: "Miss Mei, please buy a meal for three people, I will pay for the meal, I have the cheek to invite the two girls to eat today, it is a thank you for the past two days Take care of me.

In the future, when I recover, I will invite the two of you to the largest restaurant in Jinling City for dinner. "

(End of this chapter)

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