The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 385 Where is it so easy to die?

Chapter 385 Where is it so easy to die?
Inside the sack, the air is not smooth, Bai Yingying has been hungry for another day, and now her head is dizzy.

However, she could still hear that the voice of the person speaking outside was Leng Feng's voice.

"Leng Feng! You bastard! I have treated you well, but you actually bit me back! You unrighteous bastard, let me out quickly..."

Bai Yingying bit the cloth ball and cursed angrily.

However, because the cloth ball in her mouth was too big, all of Bai Yingying's cursing words turned into "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......".

She was so depressed.

Bai Yingying cursed for a while, but couldn't move anymore. She rolled her eyes, tilted her body, fell to the side with a "gudong", and then remained motionless.

No response to living people, see if you have any reaction to "dead people"?

At first, several men did not respond.

After 5 minutes passed, someone lost his temper: "Leng Feng, she won't die! She's worthless if she dies!"

Leng Feng took a look at Bai Yingying and frowned: "How can it be so easy to die? It's only been one day!"

Another said: "Those pampered women are very delicate and easy to die.

What's more, you knocked her out yesterday, and you've been hungry for more than a day, and you're still stuffed in such a small sack, if you don't starve to death, you will die from it. "

Bai Yingying, who was pretending to be dead, nodded frantically deep in her heart.

Leng Feng hesitated for a moment, he was still afraid that she would die after all.

He stepped forward and stretched out his hand to untie the hemp rope wrapped around the mouth of the sack.

The mouth of the sack was opened, and Bai Yingying suddenly felt a gust of fresh air rushing towards her forehead, making her feel refreshed.

Leng Feng pulled the sack to her ear and stopped pulling it down.

He reached out and put his hand under her nose.

After pulling away the hemp rope, Bai Yingying took a few deep breaths, and then held her breath.

When Leng Feng stretched out his hand to test her breath, there was no breath at all.

Leng Feng was startled, he looked at the lifeless Bai Yingying with his head tilted to one side, he was dumbfounded.

No way!Died so easily?

The person who spoke just now stood up immediately, walked over, and stretched out his hand to check Bai Yingying's breath.

"Ah! Leng Feng, she is really dead! What should I do?"

The other ran over, pulled the cloth off Bai Yingying's mouth, grabbed her arm and shook her vigorously.

"Girl, wake up!"

Bai Yingying's mouth loosened, and her sore and swollen cheeks were finally much more comfortable.

However, she still didn't intend to "wake up". After all, if she woke up, the cloth ball would most likely return to her mouth immediately.

In the end, several people came to check it out and confirmed that Bai Yingying was really dead.

They laid Bai Yingying flat on the floor and began to discuss what to do next.

Leng Feng pondered: "Actually, it doesn't matter if she dies. Anyway, the lord is just planning to use her to lure King Qin to Jiutou Mountain. As long as we don't let King Qin know that she is dead, that's fine."

A few people thought about it, they were all killers, and they had killed quite a few people before.

It's no big deal to them that a decoy hostage died right now.

When the mood is relaxed, it is inevitable to start thinking about other things.

One of them glanced at Bai Yingying, and saw that her face was as white as jade, and her facial features were exquisite.

A pair of eyes, closed into two perfect arcs, two rows of long and curled eyelashes, like the wings of a butterfly, even if they are motionless, they are still breathtaking.

(End of this chapter)

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