The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 393 With so many people helping him make money, can he still have no money?

Chapter 393 With so many people helping him make money, can he still have no money?
Seeing the hands in front of her eyes, she was so angry that she knocked down the hands of the two of them.

"What do you want to do?"

"We are ordered by the Lord to bathe and change clothes for you."

Bai Yingying raised her hand and smelled it, and it really stinks.

She waved: "I'll wash it myself, you just wait at the door."

When the two of them brought her down just now, they stink badly. Now that she said she wanted to wash it by herself, she wished she could wash it by herself.

So the two put down the change of clothes, turned around and walked to the door to wait.

Bai Yingying quickly took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then hid the medicine bag she had just protected her chest close to her body.

After that, she came out with her clothes, and was taken all the way to Tsing Yi Hall by those two people.

It is said to be a hall, but it is actually a small courtyard.

Bai Yingying glanced at it, and saw that the simple and simple courtyard was not as grand as imagined.

She wandered around the yard looking for a chance to get out.

On the pier today, she saw someone searching for people with portraits. She was sure that they were searching for her.

It can be seen from this that my husband already knows that I am missing and is still looking for me everywhere.

On the boat, I heard several killers discussing that they wanted to use her as a bait to lure King Qin to Jiutou Mountain to kill him.

Presumably, at this moment, a net must have been laid on Jiutou Mountain, and they would assassinate King Qin as soon as he came.

Therefore, she had to escape as soon as possible, and before Chu Tianci went up the mountain, she had to escape and find him.

Just as Bai Yingying was climbing up a tree, the courtyard door opened, and that annoying man walked in with his hands behind his back.

"What are you doing?" Mo Si stared at her for a moment, then sneered: "This place is full of deity's people, don't even think about escaping."

Bai Yingying slid down from the tree in no hurry, turned her head, and said nonchalantly: "Who said I want to escape, I just want to pick the fruit from that tree to eat."

Moss stretched out his right hand, and a gust of wind swept past immediately. In a flash, the tree shook violently a few times, and a few pears flew down from above. Two were caught by Moss, and the others fell to the ground. rotten.

Bai Yingying opened her mouth in surprise.

This man's martial arts looks very strong!

no!Chu Tian must not be allowed to resign here!
Moss picked up a pear, took a bite, and said threateningly: "See, if you climb a tree casually, you will end up just like that. If you throw your brains out, that's probably the same."

Bai Yingying rolled her eyes without saying anything, then walked to a stone table opposite and sat down.

Bai Yingying clapped her right hand on the stone table, and then raised her voice: "Where is your boss? I want to see him! I have something very important to talk to him about."

Moss walked over: "What do you want to tell him?"

Bai Yingying looked him up and down, then curled her lips with a look of disdain on her face: "You are not in charge, why should I tell you?"

Mo Si was upset and asked, "Why do you think I'm not?"

Bai Yingying pointed to the clothes on his body and said: "The head of the Nine Colors Hell has earned so much money, the clothes he wears, and the place he lives in must be very high-end. Look at your clothes. The fabric is ordinary and the color is single, it looks cheap at first glance, how could it be the head of the house?"

Mo Si became interested: "How do you know that the head of Nine Colors Hell has made a lot of money?"

Bai Yingying: "You have accepted the mission and handed it over to the killer to earn commissions. Then, when the killer made money, you used Happy San to earn back all the money in their hands.

With so many people helping him make money, how can he still have no money? "

(End of this chapter)

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