Chapter 407

"Who says it's not possible!" Bai Yingying said with a proud face, "I can make money so much, of course I have to be romantic and happy, so that this life is not in vain."

Mo Si looked at Bai Yingying, and suddenly realized, "Ah, I finally understand why you miss your husband King Qin so much, he is a crippled cripple who can't satisfy you.

However, he is so powerful, and you dare not raise your face, so that's why you want him to die so much. "

Bai Yingying rolled her eyes coldly and did not make any excuses.

Anyway, letting him know that she hates King Qin and wants King Qin to die is good for her escape plan.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mo Si stared at her for a while, then suddenly leaned over and reached out to pick her chin.

However, before his hand touched Bai Yingying, Bai Yingying slapped it off.

Bai Yingying raised her head and gave him a hard look: "Respect yourself!"

Mo Si smiled: "Aren't you looking for a man? Why go outside? Isn't there one in front of you?"

A full half of the profit, he thought, even if he knew it, he would agree to it.


"It's just me!" Mo Si stretched out his hand to stroke his temples, and said with a smile, "I am the most handsome in our Nine Colors Hell."

Bai Yingying pouted with disdain on her face: "I don't like it! Get lost!"

Moss: "..."

He never expected that he would be rejected.

When he looked at Bai Yingying again, a desire to conquer suddenly surged in his heart.

Bai Yingying waited for a while, and seeing that he hadn't rolled away, she stood up and looked at Mo Si coldly: "Mo Si! Although I don't know martial arts, I am a temperamental person, and I don't want to do things." , Don't try to force me!

So, if you dare to touch me again, then our cooperation will come to an end. "

As she spoke, she casually raised her pair of milk-white slender hands: "You can also see that these hands grow on my body.

So, the player, I can do it if I want, if I don’t want to do it, even if you put a knife on my neck, I won’t do it. "

Mo Si had no choice but to nod: "Okay, [-]% is [-]%."

For such a cash cow, she only wants [-]% of the profit, so just give it to her!

Bai Yingying smiled faintly: "That's about the same."

She said, pointing to the demand list on the table: "Make an appointment as soon as possible, and let me have an interview with the buyer. The price may rise by another liter."

Mosi was also very anxious to make money. He thought for a while and said, "Just tomorrow, how about it?"

At Chenshi tomorrow morning, Chu Tianci will come to Jiutou Mountain to trade at the appointment. At that time, there will definitely be a bloody battle on Jiutou Mountain.

Now, Bai Yingying is a cash cow, and he doesn't want Bai Yingying to be accidentally injured.

Therefore, Bai Yingying had to be taken down Jiutou Mountain before Chen Shi.

Bai Yingying nodded: "Okay."


In the evening, Liu Guang hurried back.

"Your Highness, good news!"

Chu Tianci's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What's the good news?"

Liu Guang said with a smile: "Sure enough, as His Highness expected, I went to Boss Yan to talk about this matter this morning. In the evening, there was news that the other party had agreed to let the person who made the magic sound player meet the buyer. Alright, it's noon tomorrow."

"Tomorrow at noon." Chu Tianci frowned slightly: "What an old fox, he must be sure that the king is dead before letting the princess come out to meet people!"

Liu Guang thought for a while, "Your Highness, why don't you go to Boss Yan's place again and ask him to bring the time forward."

(End of this chapter)

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