The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 422 Where Are You Thinking?I just want to give you a good hug

Chapter 422 Where Are You Thinking?I just want to give you a good hug

Unexpectedly, the hand that Chu Tianci stretched out did not withdraw.

He looked at Bai Yingying and said softly, "Jiaobao, come here! I don't think you're dirty."

"Ah??" Bai Yingying was stunned.

Isn't he a clean freak?Why didn't he think she was dirty all of a sudden?

Seeing her standing still, Chu Tianci lowered her raised right hand.

Just when Bai Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he would obediently go back to sleep, Chu Tianci suddenly steered the wheelchair forward to her.

When the wheelchair stopped, he suddenly raised his hand, grabbed her little hand, pulled her hard, and pulled her into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her dirty into his arms.

"I have already said that I don't think you are dirty, but you are still standing still, do you just want to wait for this king to come and hug you in person?"

Bai Yingying still didn't realize it, she looked down at Chu Tianci, and asked in a daze, "Are you not obsessed with cleanliness?"

"Yes! No!" Chu Tianci reached out and touched the tip of her nose, and smiled lightly: "It depends on who it is."

"Oh." Bai Yingying suddenly realized, she leaned close to him, and smiled softly: "Yingying is dirty all over, and your husband is willing to hug her, does that mean you really love Yingying?"

Chu Tianci didn't answer, but leaned over and kissed her pink and tender cheek.

He moved towards her lips slowly, holding her hands tighter and tighter.

Wang Song on the side watched anxiously, and couldn't help "quack" reminding.

"Ancestor, do you want to act in a small movie for me?"

Bai Yingying was shocked all over, and raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Chu Tianci was slightly stunned: "What's wrong?"

Bai Yingying covered her mouth and said in a low voice: "Husband, you don't think Yingying is dirty, but Yingying still thinks herself dirty. Besides, the conditions of this small broken inn are too bad. The environment is simply not good at all." Romantic atmosphere...”

Chu Tianci took her hand away, and blocked her chattering little mouth.

Bai Yingying felt her whole body tremble, and she froze.

However, Chu Tianci didn't linger on her lips, just kissed her lightly, and then looked at her with a smile: "Where are you thinking? I just want to hug you and kiss you."


Bai Yingying let out a low cry, her face flushed with shame.

Chu Tianci looked at the rosiness on her cheeks that quickly climbed up, raised his hand and squeezed it lightly, then moved to her ear, and promised in a low voice: "Jiaobao, don't worry, after you go back, this king will fulfill your wish .”

Depend on!That eye of yours saw Lao Tzu anxious?

Bai Yingying immediately felt that her image as a big boss had been distorted for no reason into a greedy woman who wanted to please men anytime and anywhere.

She felt that it was necessary to correct her image in Chu Tianci's heart.

So, she pulled back a little distance from him, put on a straight face, and said solemnly to Chu Tianci: "I'm not in a hurry, really, I'm just a little hungry right now."

The corners of Chu Tianci's lips curled up, and he smiled meaningfully: "Well, I know you're not in a hurry, but you're just hungry and greedy..."

He suddenly held her little head over again, and whispered in her ear: "You are the body of a greedy king..."

Following his voice, Bai Yingying's heart trembled violently, and some sweet and charming pictures flashed uncontrollably in her mind...

In the blink of an eye, Bai Yingying was startled, she was really greedy for him as he said!

Bai Yingying was very annoyed and dissatisfied with her discovery. She shook her head vigorously, cleared those pictures in her mind with one click, and then raised her voice unbearably: "Chu Tianci!"

"Hey! This king is here!" Chu Tianci agreed with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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