Chapter 439 Mission Completed!

She returned to the lounge, took out four boxes of snacks, gave two boxes to Bai Yingying, and went out with the other two boxes.

As soon as the door of the operating room was opened, Lou Cangyue faced a muscular figure.

"Miss Lou, how is your Highness doing?"

Liu Guang stared at Lou Cangyue with blood-red eyes, his face was full of anxiety.

For more than a whole day, he stood at this door, looking at the white door.

For him, this day seemed to have gone through many vicissitudes.

If Lou Cangyue hadn't told him before the operation that the treatment would take a long time, he might have broken into the door a long time ago.

Lou Cangyue handed him the snack in her hand: "The treatment process is going well, but brother needs time to recuperate, now Yingying is with him inside, you can go to sleep for a while, I see that your eyes are bloodshot."

"May I go in and see Your Highness?"


"Let the streamer in."

Lou Cangyue turned her head and took a look inside, then turned her head to look at Liu Guang: "Yingying let you in, you go in quickly, but keep quiet inside, don't make a big noise, Yingying is tired all day, you don't have to ask, you Try not to ask."

"it is good."

Liu Guang nodded in agreement, then returned the snacks to Lou Cangyue, and ran in quickly.

Liu Guang rushed in as fast as lightning, and ran to Chu Tianci's side.

I saw Chu Tianci lying quietly on the bed, all kinds of threads were wrapped around his body, and there was a transparent mask on his mouth.

The most shocking thing was that Chu Tianci's jet-black long hair disappeared, replaced by a white gauze wrapped around his head.

At the place where the gauze was not wrapped, Liu Guang was shocked to find that Chu Tianci's hair had been shaved clean.

"His Highness's hair??" Liu Guang exclaimed subconsciously.

Bai Yingying rolled her eyes at him: "Is life more important than hair?"

Liu Guang was stunned for a moment, and finally replied: "Life is important."

In a blink of an eye, he continued: " is also important..."

Bai Yingying frowned, and then began to chase people away: "You have already seen your highness, can you go now?"

Liu Guang pointed to the transparent mask on his mouth: "Can you take that off, let me see His Highness's breath."

"No!" Bai Yingying frowned and glared at him: "If you take that off, your highness will not be able to live. You have to make sure he is dead or not, and you will know by feeling his pulse."

Liu Guang thought about it too, he carefully grabbed Chu Tianci's hand and felt his pulse with his fingers.

Although he can't feel his pulse, he can still feel the slight beating of his pulse if he feels it carefully.

Liu Guang felt relieved, just as he was about to speak, Lou Cangyue ran over and pushed him to go outside: "Come on, don't disturb Yingying here."

Liu Guang knew that His Highness was alive and well, and his headache was also treated, so when Lou Cangyue pushed him, he walked out with confidence.

Bai Yingying stayed by Chu Tianci's side for another eight hours. In the early morning of the next day, Bai Yingying was about to get up to check on Chu Tianci's situation when Wang Song at her feet suddenly made a series of mechanized sounds.

"The first task is to heal King Qin's leg. After the task is completed, the value of Heaven's Dao will be increased by [-]."

Bai Yingying, who had been terribly sleepy, suddenly regained her spirits.

Wang Song, who was dozing off on the ground, suddenly woke up with a jerk, stood up and jumped around "quack quack".

(End of this chapter)

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