The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 444 Another stupid question!

Chapter 444 Another stupid question!

Bai Yingying stared at Chu Tianci for a while, then approached him, raised her voice and asked, "Can you hear me?"

Chu Tianci looked at her with anger in his heart and dissatisfaction in his face.

He had gone through life and death, and when he woke up, she not only didn't stay by his side, but now she came to talk to him, she dared to be so rude and loud, she didn't even call "Husband".

It seems that her desire to find a face is already ready.

Bai Yingying frowned, she was so loud, yet he still didn't respond.

Bai Yingying pursed her lips and sighed heavily, then picked up the box and walked to the bedside.

She took out a small stick from the box, and hit the iron box hard.

Suddenly, there was a loud "bang lang lang lang" sound, which made Chu Tianci's eardrums hurt.

Chu Tianci was furious, turned his head to the side abruptly, and glared at her.

Seeing his reaction, Bai Yingying smiled instantly: "It's good if you can hear me."

She said, took out the red handkerchief in the box again, and waved it in front of Chu Tianci: "What color?"

Another stupid question!

Chu Tianci coldly rolled his eyes at her, and then turned his gaze out of the window.

Yo ha!Don't answer me!

Now Bai Yingying finally understood that it wasn't that she had a nervous problem, but that she didn't want to talk to her at all.

She was suddenly unconvinced, I worked so hard to save you, but in the end, you just repay me with your blank eyes?
Feeling let down, Bai Yingying suddenly grabbed the small stick, brought the iron box to Chu Tianci's ear, and knocked on his ear with a "boom".

Chu Tianci swished his head back, and looked at her angrily, his eyes were sparkling, as if he was about to spew out flames.

"Tell me! What color is it?"

Bai Yingying held up a small stick, threatening: "If you don't say anything, I'll hit you again, and I'll piss you off!"

Chu Tianci trembled with anger.

This woman is becoming more and more capable!How dare you threaten him!

The two of them went up and down, staring at each other, and each could feel the anger in the other's eyes.

But no one thought about going back.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be frozen, and the surroundings were full of cold air.

Finally, the pain in Chu Tianci's head broke the deadlock.

After all, he is now in a weak position, lying on the bed and unable to move. If she suddenly loses her nerves and knocks on the iron box, or does other things to him, he will suffer.

After enlightenment, Chu Tianci, under Bai Yingying's impatient gaze, said a word very weakly: "Red."

Hearing him say the correct color, the tension in Bai Yingying's heart loosened a little.

Bai Yingying took out another green handkerchief and waved it in front of his eyes: "What about this one? What color?"

Chu Tianci gave her a cold look, and then said impatiently, "Green."

Bai Yingying took out another blue handkerchief.


This time, without waiting for her to ask, Chu Tianci answered her with his mouth.

After that, Bai Yingying stretched out two fingers and asked, "Look, how much is this?"

Chu Tianci: "..."

He stared at her for a while, then gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you finished?"

Bai Yingying looked at him, and smiled lightly: "I know I'm angry, it seems that I recognize it."

Bai Yingying put the things she just took out into the box, then hugged the box, turned around and was about to leave.

Chu Tianci panicked inexplicably, subconsciously raised his hand, and grabbed her wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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