The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 447 If Yingying knew about this, how sad would she be?

Chapter 447 If Yingying knew about this, how sad would she be?
"Senior brother, are you looking for me?"

"Will you be present when the princess performs the craniotomy on this king?"

"You're here!" Lou Cangyue immediately said with joy, "I even participated, I shaved your hair, and I also punched the hole on your head..."

Lou Cangyue was halfway through speaking, when she felt Chu Tianci's cold and sharp eyes fly over, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything later.

She hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help explaining for herself: "Senior brother, Yingying asked me to do these things, but I also believe in my heart that she will not harm you, so I help her, and I will do it together with her." You did the surgery.

Now it turns out that Yingying really didn't lie to me, she really cured you..."

"This king is lying on the bed like this and can't move. Can he be cured?"

Before Lou Cangyue finished speaking, she was cut off by Chu Tianci.

She looked at him and patiently explained: "You are only temporarily unable to move. After a while of recuperation, you will be able to move freely. If you don't believe it, just wait for time to prove it."

Chu Tianci didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore, so he directly changed the subject and asked, "When she performed the operation on this king, were you always by her side?"

Lou Cangyue nodded: "Yes, although I can't help much, but Xiaohong and Xiaocui and I have always been by her side, helping her with tools and wiping off her sweat."

Chu Tianci: "Then did you see that she put something bad into my head?"

"Bad things?" Lou Cangyue was puzzled, and looked at him with doubts: "Brother, what are you talking about bad things?"

Chu Tianci thought for a while and asked, "Did she poison my king's mind?"

"Poisoning? How is it possible?" Lou Cangyue immediately stood up for Bai Yingying: "Senior brother, how could you doubt Yingying like this? Do you know how hard it is for Yingying to operate on you? Where……"

Lou Cangyue pointed to the side of the operating table in front, and said with righteous indignation: "Help you take out that green lump in your head, you don't even know how much she sweated after this operation, Xiao Cui and I were next to her, wiping her sweat with a handkerchief.

I counted it afterwards, and the handkerchief worth 20 yuan was soaked in her sweat. "

Chu Tianci froze for a moment, his heart suddenly ached again.

His gaze subconsciously followed the direction of Lou Cangyue's fingers, and looked towards the operating table.

Under his misty eyes, he seemed to see her busy and tough figure.

At this moment, Lou Cangyue turned around, ran to the locker, took down the piece of glass that contained the lump, and carried it to Chu Tianci.

"Senior brother, look, this green thing was taken out of your head, and now it has shrunk. When I took it out, it was not so small, it was as big as my fist.

Moreover, you don't even know how many blood vessels and nerves there are in the human head. Those blood vessels and nerves are as small as a hair, and the tangled ones grow together with this thing. Yingying wants to use this thing Remove it without damaging your nerves and blood vessels.

Nerves, in particular, can damage your vision, hearing or mobility if damaged.

Yingying didn't know how much effort she had spent before finally taking this thing off.

So, senior brother, even though Yingying is your wife, you don't have to be grateful to her, but you can't make shit on her head so unreasonably. If Yingying knows about it, how sad will she be? "

(End of this chapter)

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