Chapter 451 Ambush
Ji Ling was relatively close to the entrance, and the three of them gathered together, killed the man in black who was approaching, and quickly ran into the entrance of Yaogui Valley.

The other three guards of Chu Tianci saw Qi Fang and Ji Ling entering Medicine Ghost Valley, immediately flew up and squeezed in through the crack of the door the moment Medicine Ghost Valley closed.

With a bang, the small door of Medicine Ghost Valley closed, shutting those men in black outside.

As soon as the three guards came in, they saw Bai Yingying standing one meter away from the door.

They rushed over immediately and asked, "Madam, where is your son?"

When Bai Yingying took Chu Tianci away, the three people saw Bai Yingying take Chu Tianci away with their own eyes.

Later, they searched around for a long time, but they couldn't find it.

When they were in a hurry, Qi Fang and Ji Ling stood up and said that they might know the whereabouts of Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci.

So, the two of them rushed to Yaogui Valley with the three guards beside Chu Tianci.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at Medicine Ghost Valley, they encountered an ambush.

When those men in black came out, Qi Fang and the others reached a consensus not to open the gate of Medicine Ghost Valley.

Those men in black naturally refused to do it, so the two sides fought.

Bai Yingying: "Master is fine, you don't have to worry."

The three of them were pleasantly surprised: "Madam, please take us to see the young master."

Bai Yingying nodded, she was about to take the three of them to see Chu Tianci, when suddenly there was a "bang bang" sound outside the door.

The sound was so loud that it seemed to shake the whole ground.

Cui An, who was standing by the door, immediately climbed to the door mirror to check the situation outside.

He took a look and turned around: "It's not good, Miss Bai, they are pushing the iron pillars used for siege to hit the door."

Bai Yingying frowned slightly, these people are really good enough, just like her, Medicine Ghost Valley, they can use tools to attack the city.

It's just that Chu Tianci's body is weak now, and he can't stand the disturbance from the outside world.

She looked at Cui An: "Turn on the mechanism and put down the Broken Dragon Stone."

Cui An nodded, immediately flew up, and jumped behind the wall next to him in a blink of an eye.

I don't know where he turned on the switch, only the sound of "rumbling" rolling stones came from outside.

Beichen was more shocked. Hearing the sound, the rolling stone was unknowingly big.

How did this Bai Yingying design such an ingenious switch to roll such a big rock all at once?

At this moment, a door suddenly opened on the mountain wall outside.

Huge boulders weighing hundreds of catties rolled down from the door with the sound of wind.


When the men in black saw the rolling boulders, they quickly stepped aside, not even being able to push back the iron pillars they used to hit the door.

Boulders rolled down one after another, and there was a loud "bang" sound for a while.

After a while, a huge mountain was piled up at the entrance of Medicine Ghost Valley, covering the entire area ten meters away from the entrance.

The people in black looked at the stone mountain in front of them, and were dumbfounded.

In the stone mountain in front of me, every stone is very huge, not to mention removing all the stones, even one piece will be very difficult.

The big guy stood facing the stone mountain for a while, and the boss suddenly waved: "Come here, move the stone!"

So, a dozen people walked over and carried the stone together.

But, absolutely not.

Those stones are pressed one by one, and if it is lifted from the bottom, it cannot be lifted at all.

But if they start lifting from the top, it is not easy to exert force, and each stone is very huge, and it is not easy for them to climb up.

They tried for a long time, but in the end they couldn't do anything, so they had to go back and report to their superiors, asking them to find a way for them.

(End of this chapter)

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