The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 454 Who Said She Was Hiding This King?

Chapter 454 Who Said She Was Hiding This King?
The structure of this bathroom is so strange. On the right is a transparent room, and there is a long, unknown thing inside.

The one on the right looks a bit like a toilet, but it looks more delicate than a toilet, and the whole body is white, it looks like a high-quality white porcelain.

Diagonally opposite the white porcelain toilet is a sink with a curved handle on the sink and a switch on the handle.

The countertop of the sink is made of smooth polished marble, so smooth that it can reflect the appearance of a person.

Chu Tianci walked over, stretched out his hand to turn on the switch, and the water gushed out.

Looking at the flowing water, Chu Tianci smiled.

The little girl has a lot of thoughts.

Lou Cangyue came over, pointed to the faucet and said, "The red on the right is hot water, the white on the left is cold water, the same is true for the shower over there, red is hot water, white is cold water."

Following Lou Cangyue's voice, Chu Tianci turned the faucet to the right, and the originally icy cold water instantly turned into warm hot water.

The hot water came conveniently, so it must have been boiled in advance.

The little girl has a conscience, knowing that he needs to take a bath after getting up, so she boiled hot water for him in advance.

Chu Tianci felt better, and asked, "Where's the bathtub? Since the hot water is ready, it's better for someone to bring it over directly. It's very slow to put it in like this!"

Lou Cangyue was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother, this hot water is not pre-boiled, and this medical center has dozens of rooms, basically every room has hot water supply, and the hot water is hot water. It must not be burnt."

"Dozens of rooms?" Chu Tianci was shocked.

If the hot water is boiled in advance and then brought in through some mechanism, the design in the middle, although ingenious, is not particularly remarkable.

But now Cang Yue said that the hot water was not boiled in advance.

Where did the hot water come from?
Chu Tianci was puzzled and asked, "Isn't this hot water prepared in advance, is there a hot spring nearby?"

"No." Lou Cangyue shook her head, and then she pointed to the bottom of the faucet base: "The secret is right here, Yingying has installed a hot water heater under here, and after the cold water is heated quickly, it will become There's hot water."

How amazing is it?

Chu Tianci was very curious, but at the same time very dissatisfied.

How much was she hiding from him?
The most dissatisfying thing is that she would rather tell Cang Yue than him about these things. Did she consider him her husband?
Seeing Chu Tianci staring down at the faucet, Lou Cangyue was slightly lost in thought, and his expression was a bit grim.

She quickly comforted: "Brother, you were sick before, and you did not agree to undergo a craniotomy, so Yingying will inevitably hide these things from you, so don't blame her."

Chu Tianci was unconvinced: "Who said she was hiding this from the king? She mentioned this medical center to the king early in the morning, and the king also agreed with her to build the hospital. As for the rapid heat, she also told the king before The king mentioned it, and said he wanted to install this in the Qin Palace."

Lou Cangyue smiled lowly, and then pointed to the shower room: "There is no tub here, and the only way to bathe is to rely on the shower. Here, this is the shower head. Turn on the switch here, and the water will flow out from here."

She said, demonstrated it to Chu Tianci, and then said: "This shower head can be hung on it, but brother, you have a wound on your head, so you can't get wet, so you just hold this shower head in your hand to take a bath." Bar."

"Well, the king knows."

Chu Tianci nodded slightly, his eyes swept across the small room, everything was novel.

(End of this chapter)

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