Chapter 472

"what business?"

Bai Yingying looked at him curiously.

Bei Chen stretched out his hand to cover his right leg, and then showed a troubled expression on his face: "Since my leg was injured, I can't stand for a long time, so, can I trouble Miss Bai to move to the gazebo?"

"Okay, let's go."

The two sat down in the gazebo, and Bei Chenyue said, "The wound medicine you used to treat my wound last time was very effective. I want to buy more. I wonder if Miss Bai has any stock here?"

"Well, I don't have much in stock. I only have two bottles here. If you want, I can sell them to you."

"Two bottles are too little, Miss Bai is very skilled in medicine, can you give me some more?"

"How much do you want?"

"Let's ask for a hundred bottles for now."

Bai Yingying looked distressed: "There are so many, I'm afraid it won't work."

Bei Chenyue: "Why?"

Bai Yingying explained: "Some of the medicinal materials used in it are relatively rare and hard to find."

Bei Chen said hurriedly: "What kind of medicinal material is it? I have quite a network of connections. You can tell me, Miss Bai, and I will send someone to look for it."

Bai Yingying refused: "This is not acceptable, this formula is kept secret."

Bei Chenyue hastily smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I was being reckless, so let's buy the girl's existing two bottles."

"Okay." Bai Yingying nodded and agreed, "You wait here."

Bai Yingying turned around and ran back, found Wang Song, took two bottles of medicine, and then quickly ran back to the gazebo.

"Here, two bottles, one bottle is ten taels of silver."

"It's easy to say." Bei Chenyue took out two ingots of silver from his bosom and handed them to Bai Yingying.

Bai Yingying collected the money and was about to leave.

But Bei Chenyue stepped forward and blocked her way.

Bai Yingying was slightly taken aback: "Is there something else, young master?"

A look of sadness flashed across Bei Chenyue's expression: "We've known each other for a while, but you never thought of asking me your name?"

Bai Yingying smiled slightly: "Young master is full of mystery. Even if I ask, the name you mentioned may not be your real name, so why should I ask?"

"Ha ha……"

Beichen smiled heartily, and in an instant a pair of smiling eyes were focused on her face: "Mystery is for outsiders. To friends, we should be honest with each other. Therefore, my surname is Beichen, and the single name has one word Yue, and the word Qianmo."

Bai Yingying let out an "oh", and there was no more to say.

Looking at her indifferent expression, Bei Chen was secretly surprised.

Didn't Chu Tianci tell her my identity?

After a little thought, Bei Chenyue understood, it seems that Chu Tianci didn't know everything about her, but he said everything.

Bei Chenyue had a self-deprecating look on his face, "Miss Bai doesn't mean she doesn't want to be friends with me, does she?"

"How could it be?" Bai Yingying waved her hand: "Young Master Beichen is worrying too much, there is a saying that 'you can never have too many friends', why would I not want to be friends with Young Master Beichen?"

"That's good." Bei Chen patted his chest more reassuringly: "Don't worry."

He raised his eyes to look at the window on the third floor, and asked in a low voice: "I just saw King Qin lose his temper just now, is he always like this?"

Although Bai Yingying was very angry in her heart, facing Bei Chenyue, a friend she had just met, she didn't want to pour out bitter water, so she just shook her head calmly.

"Not at all."

However, Bei Chenyue had a clear expression on his face: "A person who thinks highly of himself like King Qin really doesn't have a good temper, and Miss Bai doesn't have to lie for him. I'm just a meddling temper and doesn't like friends. Wronged.

What's more, Miss Bai is my savior, so I can't see his self-righteous appearance even more. "

(End of this chapter)

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