The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 479 I'm Just Taking Precautions

Chapter 479 I'm Just Taking Precautions
A dozen men in black descended from the sky to protect Bei Chenyue. Using themselves as shields, they escorted Bei Chenyue to escape to the small river.

At this time, the armored guards in black had been dealt with by Yu Juechen's men.

With one move, Yu Juechen led the men to chase Beichen further.

Liu Guang was about to chase, but was stopped by Chu Tianci.

"Let Yu Juechen chase after him, you stay to put out the fire."

This place is Bai Yingying's painstaking effort, and she built it for him. He can't just watch the fire burn down the whole house.

So Liu Guang and the others started to put out the fire.

Yu Juechen and others chased to the small river, and everyone around Bei Chenyue, except Qing Mo, was dead.

Bei Chen grabbed Qing Mo's arm: "Let's go!"

The two jumped into the creek, and then plunged into the water.

With a wave of Yu Juechen's right hand, more than a dozen feathered arrows shot into the water, and the feathered arrows sank into the water, but there was no response.

Yu Juechen made a move with his right hand: "Chase!"

Yu Juechen jumped into the water first, and the others followed suit. They swam out along the waterway and came to the edge of the Qingjiang River.

The surface of the Qingjiang River stretches as far as the eye can see. Under the twilight, the surface of the river is like a huge mirror, calm and calm.

But Bei Chenyue and Qing Mo were nowhere to be seen.

But it shouldn't be. After holding their breath for such a long time, it is impossible for the two of them to come out and dive into the water again.

Because it was dusk, there was no one by the river, except for a white-haired old man who was fishing by the river, there was no one else.

By the water in front of the old man, a bamboo basket was soaked in the water.

Yu Juechen signaled to his subordinates.

A shadow guard walked over and asked, "Excuse me, old man, did you see two young men coming out of the water just now?"

The old man raised his head, glanced at him, and pointed forward.

"Where did they go?"

The old man didn't speak, just nodded.

So, Yu Juechen led his men to chase in the direction pointed by the old man.

When the group of people walked away, the old man stood up with a whoosh, and stretched out his hand to pick up the bamboo basket soaked by the river.

The bamboo basket was pulled up, and the water dripped down. It turned out that the bamboo basket was leaking and had no bottom.

And just at the place where the bamboo basket was placed, Bei Chenyue and Qing Mo came out with a whoosh, each with a bamboo tube in their mouths.

The old man pointed to the place downstream: "Follow me, two."

The three performed lightness kung fu, and soon saw a black-covered boat tied to a big rock downstream.

The old man pointed to the black-covered boat: "Go down the river, pass through Jiangcheng, and enter the Southeast China Sea. After that, you can go to the Huaihe River by sea, and return to Beiqi from there."

As he said that, the old man took out two masks from his pocket and handed them to the two: "These are two human skin masks. There are clothes on the boat. You can pretend to be safe and sound."

Bei Chen looked at the old man suspiciously, and asked, "Who is this old man? How did you know that the two of us would appear here at this very moment?"

The old man wiped his face, and took off a mask as thin as a cicada's wings, revealing an elegant and exquisite face, which was exactly Yue Tingfeng.

Yue Tingfeng said lightly: "I'm just taking precautions, after all, King Qin is not so easy to deal with."

Bei Chen stared at Yue Tingfeng more, and a trace of doubt suddenly flashed in his heart.

Yue Tingfeng's eyes lightly swept across: "You must have some doubts in your heart, but I can tell you that King Qin and I are like fire and water, and what you need to think about is, can you find that waterway, is King Qin a fool? Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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