The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 482 How can this sense of powerlessness not be frightening?

Chapter 482 How can this sense of powerlessness not be frightening?
"Then don't watch it."

Chu Tianci put his arms around her slender waist with his right hand, and gently stroked her eyes with his left hand.

Liu Guang and Qi Fang, who were stunned, suddenly heard Bai Yingying's voice from behind, and the two of them immediately became closer.

Madam Wangfei, isn't this the mechanism you arranged?Didn't you know that the mechanism you arranged would be so bloody?Don't dare to look at it yet, how can you say that?

On the other side of the alleyway, the rest of the men in black were stunned, looking at the pile of flesh and blood in front of them, their hearts trembled in horror.

They have received professional training, but the opponent's weapons are too powerful, and they don't even have the strength to fight back.

How could this sense of powerlessness not be frightening?
The people behind didn't dare to step forward any more, they could only squeeze together at the door and look towards Chu Tianci.

They looked over Liu Guang and Qi Fang's heads, and when they saw Chu Tianci's raised face, they became even more frightened.

God!Is that King Qin?Why is he so tall?Isn't he in a wheelchair?Could it be that his leg has already healed?

Zhao Kai outside the door didn't know what was going on inside. Seeing that no one could go in, he shouted outside: "Rush in! Why are you blocking the door?"

The people inside were stunned by the blood, and when they heard the voice of the head statue from outside, those in front did not dare to rush, so they stepped aside.

So, everyone gave way to Zhao Kai tacitly. Zhao Kai held the sword and walked inside step by step.

The further you go in, the stronger the smell of blood.

When they got to the front, they saw the pile of bloody flesh in front of them.

He was stunned, "Who! Who did it?"

Zhao Kai raised his sword forward and wanted to move forward.

"My lord, stop! There is danger ahead!"

Zhao Kai subconsciously stopped, and then glanced at the pile of bloody flesh in front of him.

He was also a little apprehensive.

So, he raised the long knife and stretched it forward tentatively.

Nothing at all!

The people behind Zhao Kai were confused.

what happened?As soon as people arrived there, there were countless red and blue sharp lights. Why is Zhao Shouzun stretching out the knife now, but there is nothing?
Zhao Kai looked up and saw Chu Tianci standing behind Liu Guang.

His figure seems to be taller than before...

In an instant, Zhao Kai understood, pointed at Chu Tianci, and said in amazement: "You...your legs..."

Chu Tianci looked at Zhao Kai, and then called out expressionlessly: "Liu Guang."

Liu Guang turned sideways, turned and went to the back of the alleyway.

After Liu Guang got out of the way, Chu Tianci's whole body was exposed.

Zhao Kai stared at Chu Tianci with an incredulous expression on his face.

In an instant, his heart was empty.

According to the information received before, it was said that Chu Tianci was weak because of medical treatment, and he was lying in bed and couldn't get up.

But now, not only is Chu Tianci not bedridden, but he is also standing there majestically.

The originally crippled leg was also healed, so Zhao Kai didn't dare to move for a while.

You know, Chu Tianci is the God of War in Southern Chu, and no one is his opponent.

When he was disabled before, they tried their best not to kill him, let alone now that he is cured.

The people he brought now are definitely not going to kill him, so the matter can only be delayed for a while, and after going back to report to Emperor Chu, we can discuss it in a long-term manner.

After Zhao Kai hesitated for a moment, he finally put away his knife and knelt down: "His Royal Highness, the Emperor learned that you are here to treat your leg disease, and specially ordered Zhao Kai to come to greet His Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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