The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 484 Why did you let him go?

Chapter 484 Why did you let him go?

Zhao Kai turned around, his eyes swept over everyone one by one, his eyes were wide open, and a murderous aura shot out from inside.

Zhao Kai stepped forward slowly, and grabbed a black-clothed subordinate who was still kneeling on the ground: "Get up, follow me to meet His Royal Highness King Qin."

He walked to the back of the carriage at this moment, and the carriage blocked Chu Tianci's line of sight. On the opposite side where he could not see, Zhao Kai raised his right hand and gestured neatly on his neck.

Everyone understood, and immediately shouted in unison: "Yes."

Afterwards, Zhao Kai went around the rear of the carriage, walked to the front of the carriage, stepped on the carriage, pulled the reins of the horse, and urged the horse to go towards Chu Tianci.

The men in black behind him, seeing that he walked past the pile of blood unharmed, let go of their guard and followed the carriage to that side.

Just when the carriage driven by Zhao drove up to Chu Tianci, the last person happened to pass by the mass of blood.

Zhao Kai flew up from the carriage suddenly, raised his big knife and slashed at the top of Chu Tianci's head: "Brothers, go up to me, kill Chu Tianci, and reward ten thousand gold."

At this moment, the red and blue lights on both sides burst into flames, and in a blink of an eye, those people walking in the middle fell down one after another like leeks being harvested.

With a wave of Chu Tianci's right hand, a strong gust of wind engulfed Zhao Kai and flew back.

Zhao Kai was about to turn over and stand firm, but before he had time, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and a very thin, extremely hot and fierce light blade slanted down from the side of his head.

In an instant, half of his arm fell to the ground, a puddle of blood spilled, and sharp pain came.

Zhao Kai immediately hugged his broken arm and screamed again and again.

He turned his head in horror, and saw the messy blood stains all over the ground, and he was stunned.

what happened?How were these people just now?

Why all of a sudden, they all died?
Before he could figure out what was going on, another ray of red light fell, Zhao Kai quickly clenched his sword, and slashed like that red light.

The red light was naturally safe and sound, but when his hand crossed the red light, his hand was cut into two again.


Zhao Kai let out a deafening scream, then turned around and ran like crazy.

At this time, the tunnel mechanism had been closed, and the streamer fell from the sky and landed in front of Zhao Kai.

Zhao Kai ran too fast, rushing towards him like a mad cow.

Liu Guang raised his sword and swiped downwards, from Zhao Kai's left shoulder to right lower abdomen, drawing a bloody gash that was not deep and not shallow.

Only then did Zhao Kai stop, looking at the fierce streamer in front of him, suddenly his knees softened, and he knelt down in front of him, kowtowing unceasingly.

"His Royal Highness Qin, please forgive me!"

Liu Guang bent down suddenly, grabbed his chin, and forced Zhao Kai to open his mouth, revealing his tongue and head.

Liu Guang raised the sword in his hand and cut it in half. After that, Liu Guang twisted his collar and threw it out: "Get lost!"

Zhao Kai was thrown outside, Gululu rolled around on the ground, then got up from the ground, and ran towards Jinling in embarrassment.

Liu Guang turned around and walked in front of Chu Tianci.

Lou Cangyue, who was behind her, saw Liu Guang let Zhao Kai go, and asked suspiciously: "Why did you let him go? He will tell the emperor what happened here when he goes back."

Chu Tianci knew that Zhao Kai and the people from Xuanming Division were guarding the door, waiting to remove the boulder and come in to take his life.

So, he told Liu Guang early in the morning, what to do with the people who came to Xuan Ming Division this time, the others were all dead, and Zhao Kai was left behind who was seriously injured.

However, because of Bai Yingying's mechanism, this duel became extremely easy, and they eliminated all of them without any action.

Chu Tianci's deliberate weakness just now was also to lure Zhao Kai into the bait.

(End of this chapter)

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