Chapter 487

Concubine Duan was about to speak when a carriage suddenly drove up at the corner ahead.

Concubine Duan was overjoyed, she raised her hand and pointed over there: "Look quickly, isn't Aijia's Tianci back?"

These days, every time a carriage passed by, Concubine Duan would feel that Chu Tianci had returned.

Nanny Gui looked over there without expressing hope, and saw that the carriage was all black, and there was a word "Xuan" hanging on the rail beside it.

"This is Xuanmingsi's carriage!" Nanny Gui exclaimed, and hurriedly pushed Concubine Duan into the mansion: "Ms. Taifei, please go back to the house, that is not His Highness's carriage, it is Xuanmingsi. of."

"Xuanmingsi's carriage?" Concubine Duan swayed slightly, almost fainting.

During this time, although Chu Tianci was not in the palace, neither Emperor Chu nor the Queen Mother ever sent anyone over.

Concubine Duan knew that the reason why the Emperor Chu and the Empress Dowager didn't send people was because Chu Tianci was still alive, and they didn't have the thought and energy to move her.

Now that the people from Xuan Ming Division have come, it means that Chu Tianci is gone...

Nanny Gui hurriedly supported Concubine Duan: "Ms. Concubine, you can go back with Miss Xue first."

"No." Concubine Duan firmly grabbed Nanny Gui's arm: "The Ai family will wait here for Tianci to return."

Qin Wang Chu Tianci is the door of Qin Wangfu, if Qin Wang is gone, then the door of Qin Wangfu is also collapsed, what is the use of her going back?
"Auntie, look, it's Liu Guang! The driver in front is Liu Guang!"

As the carriage approached, Xue Jingshuang was the first to see who was driving the carriage.

Nanny Gui stared and saw Liu Guang sitting on the front seat of the car, raising his horsewhip and whipping it.

"Thank God! Empress Dowager, it's really Liu Guang, His Highness, he's back!"

Concubine Duan burst into tears of joy, subconsciously stepped down the steps, and greeted the carriage.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the gate of Prince Qin's Mansion, Liu Guang saw Concubine Duan, and immediately stopped the carriage.

Concubine Duan stood in front of the carriage and asked eagerly, "Liu Guang, where is Your Highness?"

At this time, the curtain of the car suddenly opened, and Chu Tianci jumped out of the car first.

Concubine Duan was completely stunned, his legs were healed!

Very good!That's great!
She was so happy that she couldn't even walk.

Xue Jingshuang happily ran over, and reached out to grab Chu Tianci's arm: "Cousin, your leg is healed? Was it Doctor Guigu who cured your leg?"

As if Chu Tianci didn't hear it, he turned around and stretched out his hands towards the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, a green hand lifted the curtain of the car, and Xue Jingshuang's face instantly collapsed.

Soon, Bai Yingying poked her head out and saw Chu Tianci's outstretched hands below. She smiled slightly and jumped into Chu Tianci's arms.

In the next second, she fell into his arms.

Chu Tianci hugged her, turned around and walked towards the gate of Prince Qin's Mansion.

Liu Guang drove the carriage, turned around and headed towards the palace.

When passing by Concubine Duan's side, Chu Tianci stopped and glanced at Concubine Duan: "Concubine Mu, Tianci is back, you should go back and rest quickly."

"Well, good, good!" Concubine Duan said two good things in a row, and hurriedly followed Chu Tianci's footsteps and walked inside.

Chu Tianci walked extremely fast, and after a while, she fell a lot behind.

Xue Jingshuang was already very angry when she saw Bai Yingying, but when she saw Chu Tianci carrying her into the mansion like no one else was there, she was so jealous that she was going crazy.

She quickly ran to Concubine Duan, held her arm, and sighed softly: "Auntie, is sister-in-law injured? Otherwise, why would I get off the carriage and let my cousin enter the mansion with his arms, even saluting my aunt?" nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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