The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 494 I won't be fooled by you!

Chapter 494 I won't be fooled by you!

Wang Song hurriedly asked, "Why does he restrict your freedom and despise your work?"

Bai Yingying's face was full of indignation: "He didn't allow me to see a doctor for a man, and even said some ugly words. I have never been insulted like this since I grew up."

She said, looking down at Wang Song: "Song Song, this man has such a bad temper, I feel like I can't hold on any longer."

"Don't! Ancestor!" Wang Song became impatient, and hurriedly encouraged her: "The Long March has just begun, how can you give up?"

Bai Yingying curled her lips, with a face full of resistance: "I know, you are just afraid that I will not be able to complete the task and you will not be able to go home, so you only want to encourage me to please him without a bottom line, and you don't care how unfairly I am treated.

Hmph, I won't be fooled by you! "

Wang Song: "..."

How can he be so ruthless?After all, they were fellow villagers from the same place, so even if he wanted to go home again, he couldn't possibly push her into the fire pit.

Wang Song was silent for a while, and suddenly said seriously: "Yes, I was afraid that I would not be able to go back. But ancestor, I, Wang Song, am not such a disrespectful person.

If that man is really too bad to be entrusted to, then I, Wang Song, even if I am a duck here for the rest of my life, I will stay by my ancestor's side.

Ancestor, you really hurt my heart when you said that to me..."

Bai Yingying heard him cry for grievances, and felt that it was a bit too much for her to say that about him. After all, they were also fellow villagers, and it was thanks to him that they were able to successfully complete the task before.

With guilt in her heart, Bai Yingying patted his head lightly, and comforted him in a low voice: "Okay, okay, forget that I wronged you, don't be sad."

Seeing that her mind was wavering, Wang Song continued to persuade: "Let me tell you, all my little girlfriends back then, I had one requirement for them, that is, they should not go out to work when they were with me. The man who loves me likes Jinwu Zangjiao.

I see, Lord Dog is not too much, at least he didn't restrict you to treat women.

Moreover, your ancestor is so decathlon-worthy and radiant, besides curing diseases and saving lives, you still have a lot of things to do, so why do you have to earn the right to "treat men to doctors" with him? "

"I didn't want to earn this power, but because he didn't trust me and slandered me." Bai Yingying frowned and argued.

Wang Song's eyes rolled: "If you want me to say, it's for your own good that he made this request. Ancestor, you must know that in this ancient society, the boundaries between men and women are much stricter than ours. avoid unnecessary trouble.

Here, Bei Chenyue is an example. You just treat him as an ordinary patient, but he doesn't think so in his heart. When you treat him, he probably has unreasonable thoughts about you in his heart, so he will Provoked those things that came after.

So, on this point, I still agree with your prince. His request is very reasonable and not excessive. "

Bai Yingying thought so too, and she seriously recalled what happened in Qianqiu Palace just now, as if his loss of control really started when she refused the request of "not treating other men".

She suddenly remembered that Chu Tianci and Bei Chenyue used to sit and chat in the pavilion when they were in Medicine Ghost Valley.

Did Bei Chenyue say something to him at that time?
(End of this chapter)

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