The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 498 Have You Been Waiting Here For This King?

Chapter 498 Have You Been Waiting Here For This King?
Bai Yingying turned over in her sleep, raised her right foot, and put it on Chu Tianci's lower abdomen.

Chu Tianci's heart trembled, and his head, which was resting on the pillow, turned back slowly towards the inside.

There is no moonlight tonight, and the room is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers.

Chu Tianci couldn't tell who the person inside was, but he smelled a faint fragrance in his nose, which was a bit familiar, it was mixed with her sweet fragrance and the smell of the dew in his bathroom.

Chu Tianci's heart skipped a beat, and a heart went up to his throat.

His little Jiaojiao is back?

He was about to get up to light a lamp, when suddenly a fragrant and soft body rushed over, pressing down his body that had just straightened up a little.

Chu Tianci raised his slightly trembling hand, and slowly touched the top of her head.

When his fingertips touched her soft hair, Chu Tianci breathed a sigh of relief.


He called out tentatively.

Bai Yingying was sleeping in a daze, when she heard his voice in her ear, she woke up suddenly, opened her eyes, but only saw the dark surroundings.

However, in the palm of her body, she could feel the temperature of his body.

Bai Yingying's heart warmed up, and she responded in a low voice: "En."

Chu Tianci's heart finally fell down, and his hands slowly caressed her back, once and for all, with great pity and tenderness.

For a while, neither of them spoke.

Chu Tianci was too excited, but Bai Yingying had just woken up and her mind was still in a daze.

After a while, Chu Tianci suddenly said, "Jiaobao, I'm going to light a lamp."

Not being able to see her appearance, his heart is hanging in the air after all, not being at ease.


"You get off the king first."


Bai Yingying froze for a moment, then realized that her legs and body were pressing on him, hugging him like a pillow.

Embarrassed, she immediately rolled over to the side and fell off him.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of someone getting up from bed.

After a while, the dark room suddenly lit up.

Standing by the candlelight, Chu Tianci glanced towards the bed, and saw a petite figure lying sideways on the bed. Under the dim light of the fire, the exquisite curves were mysterious and beautiful.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, and he frowned slightly in an instant. One lamp seemed to be too dim, so he lit two more.

Bai Yingying turned over and covered her eyes with her hand: "Husband, why are you lighting so many lights? It's so bright!"

Hearing her soft voice, Chu Tianci finally felt at ease.

He didn't blow out a candle, but turned around and walked to the bed, and then got on the bed quickly.

He reached out and took away her hand covering her eyes, and finally saw her delicate face.

At this moment, her eyes are still a little confused, she looks cute and cute, very cute.

"Jiaobao, have you been waiting for me here all this time?"

Chu Tianci couldn't laugh or cry, he was looking for her outside like crazy, but he didn't expect that she was lying on his bed.

Bai Yingying looked at him, and her mind gradually became clear. She nodded, and suddenly raised her hand and punched him lightly on the chest: "Where have you been? Why are you coming home so late?"

Come back home?

Chu Tianci's heart suddenly warmed up.

It turns out that in her heart, this place has always been her home.

Chu Tianci was ecstatic in his heart, and the irritability and gloom of not being able to find her day and night were swept away.
Bai Yingying sat up and asked, "Husband, have you had dinner yet?"

Chu Tianci was in a hurry to find her today, so he didn't want to have dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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