The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 500 Let me see, how much do you want to hear?

Chapter 500 Let me see, how much do you want to hear?

Chu Tianci's face turned cold instantly, he turned his head slowly, and looked at Bai Yingying: "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

His voice was cold, with suppressed anger.

This woman wants to lie to him again!What a mess!

Bai Yingying suddenly felt the air around her, as if it was frozen.

Based on her understanding of him, if her next answer did not satisfy him, the man might turn his back on the spot.

Bai Yingying suppressed her smile, twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and said pitifully, "Husband, look at you, as your princess, Yingying made such a small request, and you are not happy, what kind of person is Yingying?" Where is the princess?
Besides, in the past, Yingying tried every means to please you, but now Yingying likes to hear you call me 'lady', so why can't you obey me and please me?
Or in my husband's heart, I didn't regard Yingying as your wife at all?

If this is the case, then why does my husband let Yingying sleep with me? "

The more Bai Yingying talked, the more pitiful she became. In the end, tears were rolling in her eyes, which made Chu Tianci's heart ache.

Chu Tianci raised his hand and stroked his forehead, this little woman is really a headache!
If he hadn't known her secret in advance, he might have been coaxed to call her "lady" long ago, and when she ran away quietly, he might not even know what happened.

Chu Tianci's eyes turned twice on her face, and he smiled suddenly. He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Want to hear it?"

Bai Yingying nodded quickly: "Well, I want to hear it very, very much."

Chu Tianci suddenly approached her ear, and smiled softly: "Then let me see, how much do you want to hear?"

"Huh?" Bai Yingying was a little confused, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Chu Tianci continued to bewitch: "Please please me! If you serve me well, I don't mind meeting your request."

"Ah??" Bai Yingying was stunned. After a while, she realized: "Husband, your condition is too vague. How do you calculate it? How do you calculate it? How do you define this?"

Chu Tianci opened his mouth and bit her ear lightly: "What do you think?"

Bai Yingying's whole body trembled. From the tips of her ears, there seemed to be an electric current flowing through her whole body in an instant.

Before she had time to react, Chu Tianci spoke again: "From the moment you married into the palace to the present, you are not very competent as Princess Qin..."

Before Chu Tianci finished speaking, Bai Yingying suddenly turned around and blocked his mouth.

When the soft lips pressed against his, Chu Tianci was shocked.

In an instant, Chu Tianci raised his hand, wrapped around her waist, hugged her whole body, and asked her to sit on his body, and the two embraced each other, kissing eagerly and lingeringly.

The two separated for a long time, Bai Yingying looked down at him, took a deep breath, and asked in a low voice, "Are you competent now?"

Chu Tianci smiled, then shook his head: "Not enough."

Bai Yingying's eyes dropped, she looked down along his perfect chin, on the slender neck, his Adam's apple rolled slightly.

She suddenly felt that it was fun, reached out her hand, and touched it lightly twice.

Her fingertips were gentle, with a scalding warmth, and Chu Tianci felt even more thirsty when she touched them.

He raised his hand to pinch her slender waist, and was about to let her down, but she suddenly bent down, kissed his lips first, and then kissed his perfect chin all the way to his Adam's apple.

Chu Tianci trembled all over, gritted his teeth secretly, how could this little goblin learn so well?
Originally, he wanted to turn around and turn to the guest, but now he is not so anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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