The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 516 The benefactor and the poor monk are just like the poor monk's dharma name.

Chapter 516 The benefactor and the poor monk are just like the title of the poor monk, no fate
"I have medicine!" Bai Yingying said with a smile: "In this world, there is no one who can't take my medicine, unless he is a god."


Lou Cangyue clapped her hands happily.

Bai Yingying looked at her with a smile: "Now tell me, who is he?"

Lou Cangyue nodded hastily: "The temple he is in is called Baohua Temple. It is located on Jiuhua Mountain in Baicheng. The name of the Dharma has no chance."

"No Fate?" Bai Yingying laughed loudly: "This dharma name sounds like something out of this world."

"That's not it." Lou Cangyue was indignant: "I went to him before, guess what he told me?"

"I can't guess." Bai Yingying was too busy eating snacks to guess.

Lou Cangyue stood up, pretended to raise the palm of her right hand, put it upright on her chest like a monk, and said, "The benefactor and the poor monk are just like the poor monk's dharma name. They have no destiny, Amitabha—"

Bai Yingying almost spit out, she quickly covered her mouth, swallowed the food in her mouth forcefully, and then burst out laughing.

Lou Cangyue sat down dejectedly, picked up a snack, and took a hard bite: "Wu Yuan Wu Yuan! Yingying, why didn't his master give him a Dharma name called You Yuan? Then I will have a fate with him?"

However, Bai Yingying seriously analyzed with her: "I think you two have something to do?"

Lou Cangyue's eyes lit up immediately, and she hurriedly came over: "Tell me quickly! Why are we two having fun?"

Bai Yingying said with a smile: "He has linked you with his dharma name, so it's a joke! Tell me again, what are his hobbies? I'll analyze it for you."

Lou Cangyue started counting with her fingers: "He has a lot of hobbies, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, he is proficient in everything, poetry and songs are easy to read, and even cooking is super good. Last time I went to Baohua Temple, I was lucky enough to taste him. The vegetarian noodles made are really delicious.”

"You are lucky enough to taste the snacks he made, why didn't you stay by his side and get him done?"

Bai Yingying asked a little puzzled.

After all, if a man is willing to make snacks for you, doesn't that mean he has you in his heart?

Lou Cangyue was a little embarrassed and said: "I'm not alone, I went with my senior brother. The senior brother and Master Baoguang, the presiding officer of Baohua Temple, are old friends. I followed the senior brother and got a little honor by the way."

"Oh." Bai Yingying suddenly realized.

She thought for a while, then waved to Lou Cangyue.

Lou Cangyue hurriedly listened to her, Bai Yingying said a few words in a low voice, Lou Cangyue returned a few words, the two whispered to each other, discussed for a long time, and finally decided on the next plan.

After the two had breakfast, they went back to their rooms to prepare.

Bai Yingying changed into gray men's clothing, and wrapped a light gray silk scarf around her neck to cover up those ambiguous marks.

After that, she went to find Wang Song.

As soon as the two met, the system immediately said: "The third task is to ask the king of Qin to call you his wife. The task is completed, and the value of heaven will be increased by [-]."

Bai Yingying burst into a smile all of a sudden, and Wang Song also patted his wings happily.

System: "The fourth task is to destroy the fate chart. The value of heaven is 500 million."

"Fate chart? Is it the chart that controls the fate of every character in this book? Is it similar to Lord Yan's book of life and death?" Bai Yingying asked suspiciously.

System: "No! The elements of the natal chart and the mother's natal chart are magic tools of the prophet Shen's family, and they have the power to change fate."

Bai Yingying suddenly realized: "That is to say, members of the Shen family can use this horoscope to change their own or other people's fate?"

(End of this chapter)

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