The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 520 He Doesn't Want Her To Embarrass Her For These Things

Chapter 520 He Doesn't Want Her To Embarrass Her For These Things

"Imperial brother avoids suspicion so much, could it be that he has forgotten the entrustment that the imperial father gave to you and my brother in the past?"

Emperor Chu said, narrowing his eyes slightly: "When the father was dying, I told you and my brother to work together. Before the emperor had a leg disease, it was inconvenient to defend Southern Chu. Now the emperor has recovered from his leg disease. , It’s a bit unreasonable to thank guests behind closed doors.”

Chu Tianci glanced at him lightly, and didn't say yes or no.

He paused, and said lightly: "Before, I went to Jiutou Mountain and was suddenly attacked by assassins in the mountain. Fortunately, General Yan, the captain of Baicheng, and his adopted son Xu Yifei rescued me. Unfortunately, General Yan wanted to protect himself. King, died at the hands of bandits.

Therefore, I implore the emperor brother to reward this little general Xu, so as to comfort the old general Yan's spirit in heaven. "

Although Yan Zhiyuan used to be Jiang Liang's subordinate, Chu Tianci believed that he must have consulted the Emperor Chu before doing anything to him.

After all, his status as the King of Qin is here, so it would be reasonable to assassinate him in private.

If he wanted to blatantly lead officers and soldiers up the mountain to kill him, he would definitely not have dared to do so without the permission of Emperor Chu.

At this moment, only when he was carried out, Emperor Chu would reward Xu Yifei without any doubt.

Sure enough, after thinking about it, Emperor Chu readily agreed: "It's easy to handle. I will order someone to reward this little general Xu immediately. Isn't he the adopted son of Old General Yan? Now that Old General Yan is gone, he has no children or grandchildren. Then it is very suitable for this adopted son to take over the position of Lieutenant of Baicheng."

Chu Tianci cupped his hands in thanks: "Thank you, Brother Huang."

Emperor Chu looked at Chu Tianci, and suddenly smiled: "Your brother didn't say anything, I almost forgot. I heard that my brother went to Jiutou Mountain this time to save Princess Qin who was kidnapped by Nine Colors Hell. Haha Haha, I never thought that that girl would be so liked by the Emperor, I am relieved and worried at the same time when I see it."

In his heart, he scolded Chu Tianci for being cunning, and he was clearly inseparable from Princess Qin, but his indifferent remarks just now made him think that woman was not favored.

Chu Tianci smiled faintly: "My wife is bestowed by the emperor, how dare I be negligent? If there is something good or bad about her in my hands, how will I explain to the emperor."

He knew well that Emperor Chu wanted to get rid of him now.

If you let him know that he loves Bai Yingying deeply, then Bai Yingying will become a sharp weapon for Emperor Chu to deal with him.

Although he knew that Bai Yingying came from another world and had nothing to do with the Bai family.

However, after getting along with her for this period of time, Chu Tianci knew how innocent, romantic, pure and kind she was, and if the other party threatened the entire Bai family, he didn't know how worried she would be.

Besides, these things had nothing to do with her in the first place. She should just stay in his arms obediently, be loved by him, and be his little girl and wife for the rest of her life.

Let him do all these intrigues, he doesn't want her to be involved.

Emperor Chu observed the faint smile on Chu Tianci's face. Although he hid it well, Emperor Chu knew in his heart that he was really moved by the woman.

Emperor Chu could see the concern hidden deep in his eyes, and it also reminded him of some past events.

Emperor Chu was silent for a while, and suddenly burst into tears: "I never imagined that the marriage gift from the queen mother almost killed the emperor's brother. It seems that this woman is really an ominous person, and I am afraid that there is someone named Kefu. Mutually."

(End of this chapter)

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