The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 522 Although Zhen Guo Qin King is only a title, it is enough

Chapter 522 Although Zhen Guo Qin Wang is just a title, it is enough

Emperor Chu swaggered and walked out of the hall with all his confidants.

Chu Tianci narrowed his black eyes slightly as he watched their leaving backs.

Liu Guang walked to the side of Chu Tianci, with an angry expression on his face: "Your Highness, what is this called? You are named King of Zhenguo Qin. The name is very famous, but it is just a piece of paper and a name. Any other substantive None of the powers.

He doesn't even have a chance to go to court, so what is the King of Qin? "

What are you going to do?Do you bow to him three times and nine times every day?He doesn't have the patience.

Chu Tianci ignored Liu Guang, walked out the door, and came straight to Qianqiu Hall.

"Is the princess awake?"

When he reached the door, Chu Tianci asked the guard at the door.

Guard: "Return to Your Highness, the princess is already awake. However, an hour ago, the princess went out with Miss Lou. Before leaving, the queen asked her subordinates to tell His Highness that she and Miss Lou went shopping."

Chu Tianci gave a soft "Oh", and suddenly retracted the foot that had already crossed the threshold. Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly thought of something and walked in quickly.

Chu Tian resigned to the room next to the sleeping hall, the room where Bai Yingying usually stayed, went straight to the desk, opened the drawer below, and took out a sandalwood box.

He opened the box, looked down, and a flash of joy flashed in his black eyes.

Inside the box, there were two documents with a rectangular private seal on it.

Chu Tianci glanced at it. The document on it was a house deed.

Chu Tianci knew that it was a small courtyard married by the Bai family.

He reached out and took out the private seal, then held it tightly in his hand, turned and left the room.

Chu Tianci hurried out of the bedroom and walked towards the study room. After walking a few steps, he stopped again and turned around: "If the princess comes back later, tell her that the king is in the study room."


Chu Tianci hesitated, and explained again: "Forget it, there is no need to tell her. If she comes back, just ask the shadow guard to come and inform the king."

The guard froze for a moment: "Yes."

After that, Chu Tianci quickened his pace and strode towards the study.

Liu Guang hurriedly followed.

The two walked into the study, and Liu Guang closed the door behind his back.

"Your Highness, according to my subordinates, this is clearly a conspiracy. Your Highness has accepted this imperial decree. In the future, if he uses his family and country as an excuse to order His Highness to go to the border to fight, wouldn't he be passive? His Highness's leg disease was also caused by the If you were injured in the last battle, if this time..."

Chu Tianci raised his right hand slightly, stopping Liu Guang's next words.

"Since my king's leg disease has healed, it is impossible to stay out of it. Although Zhen Guo Qin Wang is just a title, it is enough."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and opened the small drawer under the desk, and took out a wooden box from it.

He opened it, and inside was a letter of engagement and a small card.

He looked down, slightly lost in thought.

The marriage letter was bestowed by the Emperor Chu on that day, and Bai Zong personally sent it to the Qin Palace, expressing that the Bai family agreed to marry Bai Yingying into the Qin Palace.

Along with the marriage letter, Bai Yingying's household card was sent, with Bai Yingying's birth date and name written on it.

According to the etiquette of Southern Chu, the most important step for a man and a woman to get married is that the man submits the marriage letter to the woman. If the woman agrees, she will accept the marriage letter and send it back to the man with the marriage letter.

But at that time, Chu Tianci was completely forced to accept the marriage offer, so he never wrote any marriage letter to the Bai family.

But it doesn't matter, after all, the two were married by the emperor and the queen mother, and the marriage decree can replace the marriage letter.

(End of this chapter)

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