The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 524 That's it, you can recognize him too?

Chapter 524 That's it, you can recognize him too?

"No need."

Chu Tianci did not raise his head, and lowered his head, imitating Bai Yingying's notes, and wrote "Bai Yingying" next to his name.

Afterwards, he put down the brush, moved his right hand slightly, and in an instant, the private seal slipped from his sleeve to his palm.

He took the private seal and held it up in front of his eyes to look at it. After confirming that it was Bai Yingying's private seal, he curled his lips and printed it with red ink pad at the same time, and then stamped the seal on the festive marriage letter.

He put away Bai Yingying's private seal, held the marriage book with both hands, and carefully dried the ink stains.

There was a smile on the corner of Chu Tianci's mouth, and the gentleness on his face could melt people's hearts.

Liu Guang was dumbfounded.

Is this still His Royal Highness?This expression is too unusual.

Curious in his heart, Liu Guang leaned over subconsciously, craned his neck to read what was written on the marriage in Chu Tianci's hand.

"...Half you come and half me...??"

He didn't dare to get too close, so he scanned it from a distance, and saw this sentence at first sight.

He was confused and read out subconsciously.

Chu Tianci flew over with a sharp glance, and at the same time turned over the marriage certificate, Liu Guang could no longer see the front and back of that sentence.

"Your Highness, what did that sentence mean?"

Chu Tianci gave him a hard look, and then ordered coldly: "Go and prepare the carriage, the king is going out."

Liu Guang had no choice but to agree, and left full of doubts.

Chu Tianci processed the marriage certificates on the table, then separated the two sets of marriage certificates, put one set in a box, and then put the box in a drawer and locked it.

The other set, together with Bai Yingying's household card, was carried into his arms by him.


Lou Cangyue managed to survive until dusk.

Leaning against the door frame, when she saw the sun set, she immediately ran back to Bai Yingying, turned around and pointed at the setting sun: "Yingying, look, the sun is setting."

Bai Yingying stood up, patted the ashes from eating melon seeds on her body, stretched out her feet and lightly kicked Wang Song who was crouching next to her: "Song Song, get up and work!"

Wang Song immediately stood up and used the teleportation technique.

Five minutes later, two people and one duck appeared in the front yard of Baoguang Temple.

Lou Cangyue leaned forward, looked around, saw no one was around, immediately made a right hand move, and led Bai Yingying and Wang Song along the road in the temple to the backyard.

The three walked through a corridor, and there was a house in the front left.

The door of the house is open, and a faint light shines from the inside. Three meters to the right of the door is a window.

The window was closed tightly, and two gray figures were printed on the paper-pasted window lattice.

The one on the left, with a slightly hunched back and a beard on his chin, looks like an old monk.

But the one on the right is sitting with his back straight, even if it's just a silhouette, it seems that he can be seen to be proud.

Lou Cangyue looked at the back, and suddenly stretched out her hand to pull the sleeve of Bai Yingying's arm, and whispered: "Yingying, look, he's there."

Bai Yingying was a little unbelievable: "That's it, you can recognize him?"

Lou Cangyue nodded: "Don't say it's through the window paper, even if he turns to ashes, I will still recognize him."

With the word "service" in capital letters on Bai Yingying's face, she stretched out her thumb to Lou Cangyue: "Amazing!"

Lou Cangyue was in a trance, she froze for a moment, then took out the scented incense wrapped in the daytime, and tiptoed to the foot of the room.

When Bai Yingying saw her, she quickly pulled her back: "What are you doing? Lighting cigarettes right under their noses? What if they are discovered?"

(End of this chapter)

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