The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 528 Do you really want to marry him?

Chapter 528 Do you really want to marry him?
Just as Bai Yingying climbed onto the beam, there was a loud "bang" outside.

The door was kicked open, and then two torches came in from outside the door, illuminating the place below.

After that, five or six monks came in one after another. They searched around the room and found a sack stuffed under the table.

A monk ran over and opened the sack, revealing Wuxiang's bald head.

"It's Brother Wuxiang."

Seeing that Wuxiang was unconscious and put into a sack again, everyone was furious, clamoring for the culprit to come out.

Naturally, Bai Yingying and Lou Cangyue would not come out.

Bai Yingying looked down, under the light of the fire, although those monks were not crooked, none of them were handsome, and they should not be Lou Cangyue's sweetheart.

The originally skinny monk looked a bit pretty now, but he had heard them calling his name just now, so he was sure it wasn't him.

Thinking of what Lou Cangyue said before, Bai Yingying glanced at her silently.

Heh, he also said that he knew everything turned into ashes, but he didn't know anything except his face.

At this moment, Bai Yingying didn't suspect at all that Lou Cangyue took a fancy to Wuyuan, she just took a fancy to his face, he was even more handsome than her.

Yan Konglou Cangyue received Bai Yingying's gaze and scratched her head in embarrassment.

It can't be her fault, she has no relationship with him, and she hasn't met a few times, and every time she just glances at it, she wants to take a closer look, but she doesn't have the chance.

The monks below searched frantically for a while, but found nothing.

At this moment, someone yelled, "Brother is here!"

As soon as the big guys heard it, they immediately moved aside spontaneously, staring at the door with their eyes.

The three on the beam also turned their eyes to the door involuntarily.

Wuyuan is the eldest brother of the youngest generation in Baohua Temple.

Lou Cangyue's heart was pounding, her hands subconsciously grasped Bai Yingying's arm.

Seeing how respectful the monks were to this elder brother, Bai Yingying vaguely guessed in her heart.

Afterwards, Lou Cangyue grabbed her arm tightly, and she was even more sure of her guess.

She held her breath and stared at the door without blinking, thinking about how to help Lou Cangyue for a while.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the door.

The voice was very soft and slow, but once in a while, it seemed to be stepping on people's heartstrings.

Although the owner of the voice has not yet appeared, there is an extremely powerful aura, like a flowing liquid, rushing in with the gentle footsteps.

In the blink of an eye, a white figure stepped outside the door.

Although Bai Yingying couldn't see the other person's face clearly, she could still see the people below. Her whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of holy Buddha light.

The monks around him were like ants, in stark contrast to his holy image.

Such a person, people can't bear to blaspheme when they see it!

Bai Yingying subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Lou Cangyue.

I saw her lowering her head, like an ignorant little girl, looking at Wuyuan below with adoring eyes.

Bai Yingying shook her head secretly. To deal with this kind of ascetic male god, it's useless if you just look at him with adoring eyes like this.

Because, this kind of look, he has seen too much.

Bai Yingying leaned close to Lou Cangyue's ear, lowered her voice and asked, "Do you really want to marry him?"

Just as Lou Cangyue was about to exclaim, Bai Yingying quickly covered her slightly opened mouth with quick eyes.

Lou Cangyue was stunned for a second, then nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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