The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 540 Please enter the family tree?

Chapter 540 Please enter the family tree?

Chu Tianci wanted to refuse in his heart, but finally nodded: "Okay, then I let Liu Guang follow you."

Bai Yingying shook her head: "Husband, Emperor Chu doesn't know much about our relationship now. If it is not necessary, we should not give him a feeling that we are very affectionate. In this way, I will only become your weakness even more. When the time comes , doesn’t he have a better chance to deal with you.”

Chu Tianci frowned: "But, the king is worried about you entering the palace alone."

Although he also knew this truth, he was really worried about letting Bai Yingying enter the palace alone.

Bai Yingying smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I'll bring Wang Song in, with him here, what are you worried about?"

Chu Tianci also thought about it: "It's just that you brought a duck into the palace, wouldn't it be strange? What if they guess your secret..."

"Husband, did you guess my secret back then?"

Thinking of all the past, Chu Tianci couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the sound of streamer came from outside.

"Your Highness, empress, there are people in the palace, and they say they want to invite the concubine to enter the palace."

Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci looked at each other and smiled.

After that, Bai Yingying turned her head to look at Liu Guang: "Go and tell him, I'll be here in a while."

After Liu Guang left, Chu Tianci took her hand: "This king is still worried, let Xiaohong and Xiaocui go with you, the two of them didn't show much martial arts in Jinling, and they looked like two people from outside. An ordinary maid."

Bai Yingying nodded: "Alright."

Chu Tianci sent someone to call Xiaohong and Xiaocui over, and they accompanied Bai Yingying into the palace.

Right after Bai Yingying left, Nanny Gui, who was beside Concubine Duan, came again.

"Your Highness, Empress Dowager, please go to Ci'an Hall."

Chu Tianci nodded slightly, and walked outside.

Chu Tianci came to Concubine Duan and bowed to greet her: "Tianci has met Concubine Mother."

Concubine Duan raised her hand with a smile: "Tian Ci, there is no need to be polite, come and sit."

Chu Tianci walked over and sat in a chair next to Concubine Duan.

Concubine Duan winked at Nanny Gui, and Nanny Gui nodded knowingly, then walked out and closed the door.

Chu Tianci glanced at the closed door, then looked back at Concubine Duan: "My concubine called Tianci to come over today, I don't know why?"

Concubine Duan smiled all over her face: "Two days ago, Ai's family was unwell. She couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep well. The girl Yingying prescribed a medicine for Ai's family. After taking it for two days, Ai's family can sleep well now. , The meal is also delicious.

Aijia thought, this child Yingying is not only skilled in medicine, but also a filial and kind-hearted child, so I specially asked you to come here today so that you can treat her well in the future. "

Hearing Concubine Duan talk about Bai Yingying, Chu Tianci's brows and eyes gradually softened, and when she finished speaking, Chu Tianci smiled and nodded: "Mother Concubine, don't worry, Tianci will treat her well."

Concubine Duan was overjoyed immediately: "Because some unpleasant things happened before, the two of you didn't have a formal wedding ceremony, so it's not appropriate to do it now.

Ai's family thought, those vain gifts are all right, but Yingying's name should be included in our Chu family's genealogy as soon as possible, so that Emperor Xian can rest assured that his son Tianci has found such a good wife. "

Chu Tianci's heart turned slightly cold, he looked at Concubine Duan, still with a faint smile on his face: "Mother Concubine, Tianci has been busy recently, when Tianci is free, I will go to the ancestral hall and write Yingying's name into the family tree."

He said, and stood up: "There is still something to do with Tianci, so I will take my leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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