Chapter 548
Bai Yingying reached out to lift the curtain, but Chu Tianci jumped out of the carriage before her, then turned around and opened his arms to her.

Bai Yingying smiled sweetly at him, and like a butterfly, she landed lightly and threw herself into his arms.

Bai Yingying glanced at the gloomy evening scenery around her, and she was a little confused: "Husband, the Confucius Temple is so far away? We walked until it was dark, have you already left Jinling City?"

Streamer: "..."

Isn't this all waiting for you to wake up?

Chu Tianci reached out and grabbed her hand: "It's not far away. The Confucius Temple is in the south of Jinling City. It only takes an hour to get here from Prince Qin's Mansion."

"One hour?" Bai Yingying raised her head to look at the setting sun in the west: "It shouldn't be, why does the sun set in one hour..."

When she said this, she suddenly realized, she took a peek at Chu Tianci, and her heart became sweeter.

Without waiting for her to speak, Chu Tianci pulled her towards the tree-lined path ahead.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, we came to a temple.

Bai Yingying looked up, and saw the words "Confucius Temple" written on the lintel of the temple.

However, this temple looks a bit dilapidated, and the location is sparsely populated. It seems that there are not many people who come to worship on weekdays.

Along the way, Chu Tianci's hand held hers all the time.

The two couldn't help but turned their heads, looked at each other, and then stepped across the threshold.

In the lobby of the Confucian Temple, there is a clay sculpture twice as tall as an ordinary person. Although the clay sculpture is a bit old, it is still lifelike.

The beard and hair on the head are flowing, and the eyes looking straight ahead seem to be full of auspicious light of wisdom.

Chu Tianci pulled Bai Yingying to the round futon in front of the clay sculpture. He raised his head and glanced at the Kongshen clay sculpture in front of him. His sword eyebrows were stretched out, and his deep black eyes were shining with joy.

He stared at the clay sculpture for a while, then pulled Bai Yingying to kneel down and kowtow.

Bai Yingying was a little confused, but seeing that Chu Tianci was so devout, she followed his example and kowtowed respectfully to the clay sculpture.

After three kowtows, the two stood up, and Chu Tianci looked at her sideways, with a serious face: "Yingying, since you entered the mansion, this king has not paid homage to you, why don't we take advantage of today and stay here Let's pay homage."

Bai Yingying didn't care about these ceremonies, but seeing that Chu Tianci was so serious, she was willing to accompany him to complete such a ceremony.

She looked at him and nodded with a smile: "OK."

Liu Guang at the side said with a smile: "Your Highness, Your Majesty, my subordinates will give you your honorary numbers."

Chu Tianci nodded: "Okay."

Liu Guang puffed out his chest in a serious manner, and then began to say: "Pray to heaven and earth."

Chu Tianci pulled Bai Yingying and turned to face the outside. After that, the two of them knelt down at the same time and bowed to the outside.

Liu Guang turned his head to look at the tall Kong Shengren, and continued to report: "Second obeisance to the high hall."

Bai Yingying was a little confused, heaven and earth are easy to worship, so shouldn't Concubine Duan and Bai Zongliu's family be invited to worship in this high hall?
Just when she was in a daze, Chu Tianci had already pulled her back and knelt down to the tall Kong Shengren in the hall.

When Bai Yingying straightened up, she secretly looked at Chu Tianci, and found that his face was extremely serious, as if what they were worshiping now was really his high school.

Bai Yingying couldn't help feeling puzzled.

Liu Guang: "Husband and wife pay respects!"

The two turned around together, knelt down, and kowtowed to each other.

After that, when the two raised their heads, their smiling eyes met with affection.

(End of this chapter)

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