The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 553 Emotional matters are the most difficult to control

Chapter 553 Emotional matters are the most difficult to control

"No chance to come to Jinling?" Bai Yingying asked in surprise: "What about Cang Yue? Husband, did you mention Cang Yue in the letter?"

Chu Tianci shook his head: "No."

He raised his hand to touch the tip of her nose: "This king said that Wuyuan has no feelings for the relationship between men and women. This time he came to Jinling, he has business to do. Don't mess around, you understand?"

Bai Yingying reached out and touched her nose, a little dissatisfied: "How can I mess around! I won't be able to marry Cang Yue in the future, and they both have to thank me!"

Chu Tianci shook his head and sighed: "Listen to what I say, wait until the matter here is over. If Wuyuan is really destined to be with Cang Yue, the two of them will have a chance to be together. Don't get involved in the process."

Bai Yingying bowed her head and said nothing, but there was a clear expression of dissatisfaction on her face.

Chu Tianci stretched out his hand to take her hand, looked down at Wang Song at his feet, and then led Bai Yingying all the way to the bedroom.

After entering the bedroom, Chu Tianci let go of her, put his arms around her slender waist: "Little fairy, do you know how charming you are?"

Chu Tianci's sudden and thoughtless question stunned Bai Yingying for a moment, and then she smiled sweetly: "Of course I know how charming I am!"

Chu Tianci frowned: "You know you're still going to provoke other men? Have you ever thought that you helped Cang Yue want to conquer Wuyuan, if in the middle of this, Wuyuan fell in love with you, how would you face it?" To Cang Yue?"

"Ah? Impossible!" Bai Yingying tilted her head and thought for a while, and then said with a sure face: "It is impossible for Wuyuan to fall in love with me. Last time in Baohua Temple, I deliberately let myself Acting like a femme fatale."

After that, Bai Yingying told Chu Tian about what happened in Baohua Temple in detail.

"Fool!" Chu Tianci stretched out his hand and pinched her nose: "You are just an illusion, emotional matters are the most difficult to control."

All kinds of things from the first meeting with her emerged in his mind. At that time, even though he didn't want to be tempted, he still fell in love with her unknowingly.

Hearing what he said, Bai Yingying had no choice but to nod in agreement, anyway, she could secretly advise Cang Yue, and she didn't need to do it herself.

When the two arrived at the edge of the Qingjiang River, they abandoned the carriage and took a boat instead.

The boat is neither big nor small, it is a beautifully shaped flower boat, and the boat sails smoothly, as if on flat ground.

Even in her previous life, Bai Yingying had never been on a boat, so at this moment, sitting on this boat and looking at the calm river outside like a mirror, she felt very comfortable.

The boat has two floors. The top floor is a rooftop with tables and chairs. Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci sit on the rooftop and have a drink.

The flower boat drove on the river for half an hour, and saw a bamboo leaf boat approaching from a distance on the river ahead.

The boat had no canopy, and at the bow stood a monk in white, with his hands behind his back.

He is tall and tall, standing on a simple boat, but he has an air of otherworldly aura. From a distance, he looks like a fairy who has descended from the sky.

Behind the white-clothed monk, there is a gray-clothed monk.

The demeanor of the gray-clothed monk was much more plain. He held the oar in his hand and was paddling indecently.

The boat was approaching, Bai Yingying held the wine glass, looked sideways, and saw the monk with red lips, white teeth, and clear eyes, looking especially immortal on the surface of the river.

Bai Yingying recognized him. Wasn't this monk the one who missed him that night?
Bai Yingying poked her head to look back, she did not see Lou Cangyue, she wondered in her heart, where did Cangyue go?

Was it sent home by this monk?
(End of this chapter)

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