The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 556 Why Does It Sound So Familiar?

Chapter 556 Why Does It Sound So Familiar?
Bai Yingying hurriedly pulled Lou Cangyue to catch up: "We'll go with you."

After a while, Bai Yingying, Lou Cangyue and Liu Guang came over with pots and pans, besides that, there was a stove and fresh dishes.

The stove was turned on, and a small pot was placed on it, and the seasoning in it was prepared by Bai Yingying.

The two sat around the stove, and Bai Yingying waved to Chu Tianci: "Husband, come and eat too."

Chu Tianci hesitated for a moment, and then invited Wuyuan: "Master Wuyuan, let's go together."

"Amitabha!" Wu Yuan closed his eyes and refused: "His Royal Highness, please go ahead."

Chu Tianci waved his hand: "Hey, you can eat by yourselves, I won't be here anymore."

Therefore, Chu Tianci continued to stay here, playing chess with Wuyuan.

Soon, the hot pot water at Bai Yingying's side boiled, and the roiling steam spread with an appetizing aroma, making the people on the boat salivate.

Wu Xiang looked over there subconsciously, he wanted to go there a little bit, but they didn't invite him.

Wuyuan's face is expressionless, seemingly calm and breezy, but in fact he is resisting the temptation of delicious food in his heart.

Chu Tianci also really wanted to eat, but he was not in a hurry, he knew that his little Jiaojiao would be brought to him when it was cooked.

Over there, Bai Yingying was chatting with Lou Cangyue while putting ingredients into the fragrant clear soup hot pot.

"Cangyue, in this world, no matter how beautiful things are, they are just a stinky skin. You are smart, cute and generous. It's better not to be delayed by these superficial things."

While stirring the pot with chopsticks, Bai Yingying persuasively tried to persuade her.

The two men at the next table suddenly felt that these words sounded so familiar to them.
Lou Cangyue was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Wu Yuan.

And Wuyuan just turned to look at her, and the two eyes met in the air, and in a blink of an eye, Wuyuan retracted his gaze and said "Amitabha".

Lou Cangyue withdrew her gaze a little disappointed, poking at the vegetables in the pot in despair.

Bai Yingying said again: "As the saying goes, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world. Men in the world are just like the vegetables in this pot. There are as many as a cow's hair. Since this vegetable doesn't know people, why don't you throw it away and eat other vegetables?"

As she said that, Bai Yingying picked up a piece of green vegetable and threw it into the river: "Look, when you put it in the pot, it tossed and turned, as if it was a big deal. Once you throw it away, it won't be the same in the end." Fall into the mouths of those hungry schools of fish?

Look at this one again. "

Bai Yingying picked up another tree: "Is it even more beautiful than the one just now? It looks very appetizing."

Bai Yingying sent the vegetable to Lou Cangyue's bowl.

Lou Cangyue looked sideways at the river below, with a gloomy look on her face.

Wu Yuan was indignant when he heard it, and Chu Tianci was also very dissatisfied.

Chu Tianci turned his head and gave her a warning look, but unfortunately, Bai Yingying didn't receive it at all.

She continued to add vegetables to Lou Cangyue: "Cangyue, you have to know that there are not only vegetables in the world, but also meat. You can taste the taste of this old sliced ​​meat. Fat and thin meet each other. This taste is the dish." The best of the best, much more delicious than the green vegetables and radishes."

The old meat slices were sent to Lou Cangyue's bowl, Lou Cangyue was a bit lonely at first, but smelling the aroma of the meat slices and seeing how it was soaking in the seasoning soup, she felt very appetizing.

She tried to pick it up and eat it, and immediately threw away the depression just now, and nodded to Bai Yingying with a smile: "Yingying, the taste of this piece of meat is indeed much better than green vegetables."

(End of this chapter)

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