Chapter 567 A Big Gift

Feng Zian secretly rejoiced that he hadn't done anything to Bai Xu, recalling that Chu Tianci had something to say just now, he quickly knelt down on the ground and expressed his determination to Chu Tianci.

"If His Royal Highness the King of Qin has an order, I will definitely go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate to do so."

In the entire court, anyone with a little discernment could see that King Qin was powerful.

Although he is not in the court now, Emperor Chu is extremely afraid of King Qin.

If the King of Qin wins this expedition and returns to the court, I am afraid that the Emperor Chu will attack the King of Qin.

However, the man who talked and laughed freely in front of him, with an imposing manner, let Feng Zian know that this person would definitely not be captured without a fight.

That being the case, there will be a battle between the two sides sooner or later.

At that time, who will win and who will lose is really unpredictable.

However, as a veteran of the court, he naturally hopes to benefit from both sides.

Their Feng family now put their treasure on Chu Yi, if they can get another strong helper for Chu Yi, then they will surely win.

And Qin Wang will also be grateful to himself for being guided by it.

Thinking of this, Feng Zian felt a little more at ease.

Chu Tianci stood up, took two steps forward, stood three meters away in front of him, and looked down at him: "In the imperial court, cronies are the most taboo. If you say that, aren't you framing me?"

Feng Zian was startled, and quickly replied: "I don't dare. I say this because I admire His Royal Highness King Qin's demeanor. This is a personal behavior and has nothing to do with the affairs of the court."

Chu Tianci was expressionless, noncommittal.

Feng Zian hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "I don't know why His Highness King Qin came to visit late at night today, why? Wait for the official to make a pot of tea with His Highness in person, and His Highness can talk slowly."

He was about to stand up tentatively, but Chu Tianci waved his hand: "No need, this king specially sent a big gift to Mr. Feng today."

"Great gift?" Feng Zian's mind suddenly thought of the peerless beauty sitting behind him. Could it be that King Qin is going to use a beauty trick on him?Give yourself the beauty who just played chess with him in order to buy him off?
Chu Tianci stretched out his hand behind his back, and the box in his hand appeared in front of Feng Zian's eyes.

Feng Zian looked at the box and realized that this gift was not the beauty just now.

He was a little disappointed, but he still stared at the box and asked, "His Royal Highness, what's in this box?"

Chu Tianci smiled mysteriously: "It's what you want most. I hope that Master Feng will be able to enforce the law for Bai Xu's case after accepting this great gift, and return justice to the Bai family, so as to reassure the hearts of heroes in the world."

When Feng Zian was thinking about what he wanted most, he heard the second half of Chu Tianci's words.

He frowned slightly: "Your Highness, please forgive me for being incompetent, little general Bai, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my officer."

Chu Tianci looked at him, his eyes became cold, he didn't speak, but the cold aura on his body made him as scary as a cold-faced Shura.

Feng Zian hurriedly explained: "It's not that the lower officials don't want to contribute, but that today in the Qiluan Palace, the emperor has ordered that General Bai be punished for the two capital crimes of defeat and running away before the battle, and lead the troops to the expedition under His Royal Highness King Qin." Before Nanzhao, before the three armies, the little general Bai was killed to sacrifice the flag.

His Royal Highness Qin Wang, if you want to blame this, blame Yue Tingfeng, this idea is all his, and now the emperor obeys him, even the idea of ​​sending His Highness Qin Wang to Nanzhao was also his idea, and he didn't even ask His Highness King Qin's opinion is directly determined by himself, which is really disrespectful to His Highness King Qin. "

(End of this chapter)

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