Chapter 606

Emperor Chu took a deep breath and asked, "Where did the money go?"

Lu Yuan: "It is mainly used for the military pay owed by the soldiers, the pensions for the casualties of previous wars, the relief food that was withheld from the common people, and the property that the uncle of the country looted from the people is returned on a per-person basis."

Emperor Chu had nothing to say, so he could only wave his hands irritably: "Your brother and Yi'er have worked hard, let's all go back and rest."

Chu Tianci bowed slightly: "Your brother will leave."

Before Emperor Chu could answer, he turned around conveniently and strode out.

Emperor Chu looked at his majestic back, and suddenly clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves.

He should have known earlier that he had no intention of taking Jiang Liang's money into the treasury at all. I'm so pissed off!
After everyone left, Emperor Chu was so angry that he overturned all the accounts on the table.

Li Dezhong stepped forward quickly: "Your Majesty, please calm down."

Emperor Chu put his hands on the table and looked at Li Dezhong with an uncertain expression: "How much money is left in my private treasury?"

Li Dezhong: "Back to the emperor, there are still 5 taels of gold and 20 taels of silver in the private treasury. In addition, there are some jewelry, some cloth, and some grain."

Emperor Chu frowned: "How much is it? Bring me the account book."


Li Dezhong hurried out, and a quarter of an hour later, Li Dezhong brought two young eunuchs and came up with the ledger.

Emperor Chu looked at the balance recorded in the ledger, and felt a little more at ease. Fortunately, his private treasury was still in his hands.

Emperor Chu looked at the monthly expenses, and then gave an order: "The order will be passed on, and from now on, all expenses in the palace will be halved."


The Emperor of Chu frowned: "The Minister of the Household Department, Lu Yuan, the Minister of Political Affairs, Yue Tingfeng, the Minister of the Ministry, Hou Zewen, and the servant Feng Qiuxuan came to the palace. I have important matters to discuss with them."

Half an hour later, these adults all came to Qiluan Hall.

Emperor Chu glanced from left to right, and then said expressionlessly, "Now that the treasury is empty, Nanzhao is invading, and Northern Qi is stalking us, I'm calling you here today to discuss raising taxes."

The Emperor of Chu paused for a moment, and then continued: "I am going to levy [-]% more taxes to fill the void in the treasury and consolidate the foundation of Southern Chu."

Lu Yuan immediately stepped forward: "Your Majesty, the autumn harvest has just passed, and taxes from various places are being paid in succession. In less than two months, the taxes from various places will be turned over to the treasury. By then, the treasury will be filled. Therefore, my minister I thought there was no need to levy additional taxes.”

Emperor Chu's face turned cold, and he looked at Lu Yuan: "According to Wangnian, how much is the annual tax of Southern Chu?"

Lu Yuan: "Returning to the emperor, Nanchu's annual tax income, converted into silver, is 200 million taels. This year, the tax has been increased twice in a row. Therefore, if the full amount can be collected, then this year's income can reach 250 million taels." Ten thousand taels.

According to the current taxation, it is four out of ten, and the burden on the common people is already relatively heavy. If the tax is increased, the common people will be miserable. "

Yue Tingfeng: "Your Majesty, Lord Lu's figures may not be too accurate. Previously, the three cities of Runan, Daizhou and Pingnan fell. It is conceivable that these three cities cannot collect taxes. And this The three cities account for about 200% of Southern Chu's land, so this year, even if the tax can be paid in full, it will be at most [-] million taels."

Lu Yuan frowned: "Even if 200 million taels is enough for us in Nanchu for a year, as long as everyone saves a little, within five years, Nanchu's treasury will be filled again, but if taxes are raised again now, I'm afraid It’s killing the chicken and picking the egg.”

(End of this chapter)

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