The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 608 The 3rd Army has not moved, food and grass go first

Chapter 608

"Absolutely not." Feng Qiu hurriedly dissuaded: "Your Majesty, King Qin is the God of War in Southern Chu. The situation is critical now. Even if King Qin is required to step out, he should be sent to Jianyang Yiling to guard these two cities and ensure the safety of Jinling." Safety."

For a while, the two sides argued endlessly.

Emperor Chu was also in a dilemma.

If it was before, these two paths were feasible, because at that time, Emperor Chu had only one purpose, and that was to make Chu Tian die.

But now, neither of these two paths seems to work.

If King Qin sent troops to Nanzhao from Qinyang City to capture Taihe, the capital of Nanzhao, King Qin would definitely shirk and even ask him for military pay.

And going to Jianyang Yiling to defend the city, Emperor Chu was also worried. After all, because of what happened in the martial arts field last time, everyone in the world knew that the treasury had no money.

Once Chu Tianci is allowed to lead troops out, it is likely to give him a chance to incite the world to seek rebellion.

When everyone was arguing, Yue Tingfeng suddenly suggested: "Your Majesty, the King of Qin is the God of War in Southern Chu. He may have unusual opinions about the current battle situation. Why not invite him into the palace to discuss this matter together."

Emperor Chu thought so, and he wanted to find out what Chu Tianci said.

Therefore, Emperor Chu readily agreed: "Come here, King Xuan Qin enters the palace."

Half an hour later, Chu Tian resigned and came to Qiluan Hall.

When Chu Tianci came in, he glanced at the faces of several people, and then bowed slightly: "My brother sees the emperor."

Emperor Chu quickly raised his hand: "Imperial Brother, you don't need to be too polite, just get rid of it quickly."

Chu Tianci stood up straight and looked at Emperor Chu: "Brother Xuanchen entered the palace, I don't know why?"

Emperor Chu looked down at him: "The day before yesterday, I ordered you to go south to fight against Nanzhao. I wonder if the emperor is ready? When are you going to leave? I will lead all the officials to see the emperor off."

Chu Tianci looked serious: "As the saying goes, the three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first. The younger brother is still calling the generals to discuss together. After the emperor brother prepares the food and grass, the younger brother can lead the army."

Emperor Chu's eyes turned cold: "The emperor confiscated the Jiang family's property the day before yesterday. Didn't he already send out the general's salary and food? Why do you still need me to prepare food and grass?"

Chu Tianci: "This time, I wonder how many soldiers and horses the emperor plans to let the ministers bring to the expedition?"

Emperor Chu looked at Yue Tingfeng.

Yue Tingfeng looked at Chu Tianci: "The three cities of Yiling, Jianyang, and Guiyang each have [-] defenders. From the three cities of Shu, Jinling, and Qingyang, [-] troops can be mobilized."

Chu Tianci: "The three cities of Yiling, Jianyang, and Guiyang have not always produced much grain. Most of them are tea, cloth, and various ores. These three cities buy grain from other places every year. Therefore, If we want to win this battle, we must at least prepare enough food and grass for 10 horses for three months."

Emperor Chu's face collapsed in an instant, 10 people had to eat food and grass for three months, which was simply killing him.

Originally, he thought that the tax would be used to fill the national treasury, but if Chu Tianci's request was met all of a sudden, then he would not even think about filling the national treasury.

Feng Qiu looked at Chu Tianci, and said kindly: "His Royal Highness Qin, can you go ahead? The old man, Lord Yue, and Lord Hou will raise food and grass for His Royal Highness Qin from the rear, and then send it to the front line."

Chu Tianci glanced at him coldly: "Master Feng, can you not eat for a few days and eat together in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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