The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 610 Maybe He Will Never Be Surpassed in This Life

Chapter 610 Maybe He Will Never Be Surpassed in This Life
"Ahaha!" Emperor Chu smiled sarcastically: "Your brother is right, but I am still a little puzzled. Why did the emperor say that the national division can take the city of Taihe, which Qin Yang's army couldn't take?"

Chu Tianci spoke slowly: "Brother Emperor, this matter has to start with the origin of Saint Laurent's religion..."

Yue Tingfeng frowned slightly, slowly clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves, his eyelashes drooped slightly, covering the hatred in his eyes.

"Saint Laurentism originated in the western overseas. In the land near Southern Chu, Saint Laurentism developed most vigorously in Russell Country, and became the first country to rebel. Afterwards, Russell Country occupied Dayue Kingdom in the north, and will The Great Moon Kingdom became their vassal state.

At the same time that the Russell Kingdom expanded to the Great Moon Kingdom, the tentacles of Saint Laurent's power had actually slowly infiltrated into Nanzhao. Therefore, it would be an easy task for the National Teacher to take down Taihe City. It is much less labor-intensive than Qin Yang's army crossing mountains and ridges. "

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

They never imagined that, in their eyes, an inconspicuous Jianghu church turned out to be such a tangled wild tree of power.

If what Chu Tianci said is true, then its roots are already firmly rooted in the lands of Luo Su and Dayue, and it is constantly extending its tentacles of power to the surrounding countries.

What made their backs even more chilling was the news network of King Qin Chu Tianci. It was far west of the Darcy Desert, thousands of miles away from them, and Luo Su Kingdom, which they had never met before, could understand so clearly. , How can escape his eyes?

But Yue Tingfeng couldn't help raising his eyes and looked at Chu Tianci. Although he was an opponent and a rival in love, Yue Tingfeng had to admit that Chu Tianci was not only thoughtful, but also extremely wise.

This is really a strong opponent, perhaps an opponent he will never be able to surpass in this life.

Yue Tingfeng's heart stirred up waves.

He was not a competitive person, but he had to be placed in a position where he had to compete, so he had to work hard and fight hard.

Emperor Chu frowned and asked, "The Saint Laurent Sect in Nanzhao is also under the control of the National Teacher?"

Chu Tianci smiled lightly: "I don't know about this subject. Brother Huang invited the national teacher here, and he will know as soon as he asks."

Yue Tingfeng looked at Chu Tianci: "Since the Saint Laurent Church belongs to the Russell Kingdom, they will naturally help us if they get enough benefits."

Chu Tianci raised his right hand and shook his index finger lightly: "Master Yue's words are wrong. In this battle, it is not Saint Laurent's sect helping us, but us helping them. No matter how bad it is, it is also cooperation with each other. As for the benefits, Yue My lord is so cunning, can't you figure it out?"

When Chu Tianci proposed to let Su Xiao come forward to unite with the Luosu Kingdom, Yue Tingfeng thought that the biggest advantage of the Luosu Kingdom was that they could share the Nanzhao territory equally with Nanchu.

However, when he thought that Nanzhao Kingdom would follow in the footsteps of the Great Moon Kingdom from now on, the land would be divided up and the citizens would be oppressed, he couldn't bear it.

Now that Chu Tianci asked, he simply pretended to be stupid: "I'm an idiot, I really can't figure it out, so I ask His Royal Highness King Qin to enlighten me."

At this time, Lu Yuan, Minister of the Household Department, suddenly realized that he was pleasantly surprised: "If Nanchu and Luo Su join forces, the land of Nanzhao can be divided equally. Your Majesty, it is wonderful! This plan is very clever!"

Emperor Chu also felt that this strategy was very good. He looked at Chu Tianci with a smile on his face: "Your brother really has a deep strategy, I admire it very much."

(End of this chapter)

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