The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 725 I am already so thirsty for talent, do you still want to hide it?

Chapter 725 I am already so thirsty for talent, do you still want to hide it?

Bai Yingying came back and stared at him in shame and annoyance.

It's better not to cover the barrier he covered.

She originally wanted to say "she can also take care of his daily life", but now that he has cut off half of her words, her words are going to be distorted.

The whole scene was silent, everyone looked at them, and some couldn't help laughing out loud.

However, there are also some who envy King Qin and Princess Qin's love, especially those female relatives, they admire Bai Yingying so much.

As women, they naturally do not want their husbands to take concubines from the bottom of their hearts. However, for various reasons, they choose to wrong themselves, compromise with men and society, and allow or even give their men concubines.

It never occurred to them that they could ask their men not to take concubines.

Yue Tingfeng's heart had been broken into slag, he looked at Bai Yingying, and felt distressed and angry.

If that's the case, do you still need Yingying's request?If I were him, I wouldn't need her to speak out, let alone let her talk about these boudoir matters in public.

Shen Miaowei stood in front of the Empress Dowager, very embarrassed, neither advancing nor retreating for a while.

Emperor Chu looked at the intimate appearance of the two with meaningful eyes.

Chu Li looked at the two with a sense of loss.

Chu Yi was holding the wine glass, but he was thoughtful. It turned out that Uncle Qinhuang liked this kind of wine.

Bai Yingying forcefully removed Chu Tianci's hand that was covering her mouth, then turned her head to Emperor Chu, and abruptly changed the subject to resolve the embarrassment: "Your Majesty, my father and elder brother have been kneeling for so long, why don't you call them?" How about getting up?"

Emperor Chu laughed: "Bai Xu, Bai Zong, both of you, get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Emperor Chu: "The owner of the South China Sea Island sent hundreds of family cloths and account books before. I have read them all. You worked hard in Pingnan City. Although the defense of the city was weak, you also made great contributions in the previous battles. Now , the merits and demerits are equalized.

The two of you are tired from being in prison, so go back and rest now, and I will arrange things for you after you have rested. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Chu Tianci hurriedly pulled Bai Yingying: "Brother Emperor, my younger brother and the concubine also bid farewell."

"Wait." Before Chu Tianci could turn around, Emperor Chu stopped him.

Chu Tianci frowned slightly: "What orders does the emperor have?"

Emperor Chu smiled slightly: "I remember, Princess Qin said just now that she is in excellent health, presumably, serving as an economic advisor to the Ministry of Household Affairs will not hinder anything."

"Brother Huang..." Chu Tianci frowned: "Brother Huang also saw it just now. She is full of childishness and does things as she pleases. I'm afraid she can't adapt to the rules of the court. What's more, the court doesn't allow women to participate in politics."

Emperor Chu waved his hand: "I didn't say I want her to participate in politics, and she doesn't have to go to court. Since she is your concubine, I also allow her not to kneel down to see me and the queen mother in the future. I just hope that people can give full play to their talents. Besides, the national treasury is the foundation of Southern Chu." , since the Jiangliang corruption case broke out, everyone knows that my treasury is empty.

Brother, you are talking about the news, if it reaches Northern Qi, what will the Northern Qi emperor do?Will he take the opportunity to move his army south? "

Chu Tianci: "Brother Huang puts the hope of Nanchu on the shoulders of a woman in Yingying, don't you think it's a desperate move? Besides, how much money can a shop make if it makes more money?"

"So, I appointed her as the economic advisor of the household department, and she can participate in all matters of the household department." Emperor Chu frowned: "I am already so thirsty for talents, why do you still want to hide?" Tuck it in?"

(End of this chapter)

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