The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 731 How Difficult Is This?

Chapter 731 How Difficult Is This?

His voice is very gentle, slightly hoarse, full of temptation.

"I can do whatever I want?" Bai Yingying looked down at him, her eyes curled up with a smile, and the watery light was projected inside.

"Anything is fine." Chu Tianci raised his hand and pressed on her waist: "Just save this king's life, otherwise, in the long life, who will spoil you?"

He was like this all of a sudden, Bai Yingying couldn't think of how to deal with it.

She pursed her lips, tilted her head and thought about it, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Yes."

Chu Tianci's heart skipped a beat when he looked into her bright eyes, but he is a majestic King of Qin, so he is naturally not afraid.

"Speak, I will listen to you tonight."

Bai Yingying turned and got off him, then turned her gaze around the room, and finally landed on the door of the bathroom.

She tugged Chu Tianci's sleeve: "Get up."

Chu Tianci immediately sat up, and obediently followed her into the bathroom.

Chu Tianci wondered, what did she take herself to the bathroom for?Do you want to take a mandarin duck bath with yourself?

Thinking of this, Chu Tianci was overjoyed, and he knew that his little Jiaojiao was reluctant to punish him.

Just as they were thinking, the two had already walked into the bathroom. Bai Yingying looked at the steaming hot spring pool and said with a smile, "Husband, I will punish you to swim a hundred laps along this hot spring pool."

Bai Yingying said it was [-] laps, but she didn't intend to let him swim [-] laps. After all, the hot spring pool is quite big, and ordinary people may not be able to last for ten laps.

She just wanted to see how good her husband's physical strength was.

"That's it?" Chu Tianci looked at her in disbelief: "It's just a hundred laps, it's trivial."

Chu Tianci stretched out his hand to untie his coat, hung it on the clothes hanger next to him, and then jumped into the bathtub. When he fell, he was like a feather, there was no splash, only small ripples.

Immediately afterwards, like a swordfish, like a sharp sword, he pierced the water and swam forward quickly.

Bai Yingying's face was full of shock, she opened her eyes wide and looked at the long afterimage left by the rapid advance in the water, she was stunned.

Is this human?This is not human at all!It's like a speedboat!
Why is her husband so powerful!
When Chu Tian finished the sixth lap, Bai Yingying finally realized that she waved to him from a distance: "Husband!"

The Chu speedboat Tianci that was approaching at high speed stopped the car in front of Bai Yingying. He clasped the edge of the bath with both hands, raised his face and smiled at her: "How is it? Jiaobao, your husband, I am very good."

His raised face is as white as jade, and a string of crystal water drops rolled down his face, adding a freshness to his face, like a demon lotus out of water, making Bai Yingying's heart thump .

"Awesome! My husband is the best!" Bai Yingying raised her right thumb and said with a smile, "If your husband can swim in the pool with me on his back, it will be even more powerful."

"Why is it so difficult?" He pointed to her feet: "Take off your shoes and socks."

Bai Yingying immediately kicked off her shoes and took off her socks in high spirits. In the water, Chu Tianci was already in a good position, floating flat on the water like a fish.

Bai Yingying was amazed, it's unscientific, his hands didn't move, and he wasn't light, how could he float on the water?

She studied for a while, but couldn't come up with a reason, so she jumped on his back lightly, Chu Tianci grabbed her back and straightened her position.

"Put your arms around my neck and sit still."

"Hmm." Bai Yingying put her hands into the water and circled around, wrapping her arms around his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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