Chapter 750
Yue Tingfeng said with a smile: "This is someone else's unique secret skill, how could it be easily passed on to outsiders. If Mr. Jiang really wants to know, I'm afraid he must first become a master of Baiguang Pavilion."

"I am willing!" Jiang Hao nodded without thinking, and agreed: "If Mr. Baiguangge is willing to pass this on to me, why not worship him as a teacher?"

"If you want to be a teacher," Lu Yuan stepped forward, "then count me in."

"You also want to be a teacher?" Yue Tingfeng was a little surprised: "You want to compete with Mr. Jiang for the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry?"

Lu Yuan immediately retorted: "It can't be said that way. Naturally, it is better to recruit more disciples for such a superb technique. If each generation is passed down to a single generation, it is easier to lose it."

Bai Yingying didn't expect Lu Yuan to have this realization, she smiled and said: "Master Lu is right, an old friend of Baiguang Pavilion, she often said the same, so if you want to be a teacher, she will not refuse, but , but conditionally."

"What conditions?"

Lu Yuan and Jiang Hao asked in unison.

"My old friend likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be public, so if you want to worship her as your teacher, you have to promise not to reveal her information in front of anyone."

"Well, capable old gentlemen have always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and do not want to expose themselves." Jiang Hao nodded seriously: "Princess Wangfei, don't worry, I understand this, and I promise, I will never reveal any information about Master and the old man. "

Lu Yuan hastily followed suit.

Bai Yingying was secretly amused, the two really had a tacit understanding, and they both regarded her as an old man in her seventies and eighties.

In the afternoon, after the four of them reported to Emperor Chu, they went to Haodu Restaurant.

In the past half month, everyone has been working day and night, Bai Yingying booked a room at Haodu Restaurant, invited everyone to dinner, and said that the old man from Baiguang Pavilion would come.

However, after the meal was finished, the old gentleman from Baiguang Pavilion still did not come.

Lu Yuan and Jiang Hao felt that the old man must not like excitement, so he didn't show up at the party, and they didn't ask.

Until everyone else was gone and there were only four of them left.

All the leftovers and leftovers in the room were removed, and even fragrant tea was served.

Now Lu Yuan and Jiang Hao couldn't sit still anymore. One kept looking outside, looking for Mr. Baiguangge, and the other looked at Bai Yingying, hesitating whether to ask.

Bai Yingying tasted the tea slowly, seeing the anxious and excited faces of the two, she couldn't help laughing secretly.

Yue Tingfeng was not in a hurry, he was holding a teacup to sip the fragrant tea, while looking up at Bai Yingying from time to time, he felt that she was especially dazzling tonight.

After a while, Jiang Hao couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and asked, "Princess Wangfei, may I ask when the old gentleman from Baiguang Pavilion will come?"

Bai Yingying smiled lightly and remained silent.

Lu Yuan also asked: "Is the old man already on the way? It's not very polite for us to wait here. Can you please tell the princess where the old man lives, and we can go there to apprentice or pick him up in person, which can also show our sincerity." .”

Bai Yingying still smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Yue Tingfeng had a thought, he glanced at the two from left to right, and said with a smile: "You don't have to wait."

"Why?" The two asked in unison.

Bai Yingying glanced at Yue Tingfeng, raised her eyebrows slightly, and did not refute.

Jiang Hao immediately looked back and forth, "Is the old man here? Where is it?"

Yue Tingfeng smiled and said: "It's far away from the sky, but it's close in front of us."

(End of this chapter)

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