The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 767 Is Your Medicine Reliable?

Chapter 767 Is Your Medicine Reliable?

The eunuch quickly covered his mouth and shook his head in horror: "Your Highness, villains dare not talk nonsense."

Chu Sheng was suddenly angry and anxious, walking up and down in the hall.

"This is how to do?"

On the third lap, the eunuch gave her an idea: "Your Highness, the villain has an idea."

Chu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he stopped immediately: "Say."

The eunuch came over and whispered something in her ear.

"What, you made this princess..."

"Hush!" The eunuch looked around and saw no one around, then lowered his voice and said, "Your Highness, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch a tiger cub? Don't share your worries with the emperor?"

Chu Sheng looked at the eunuch: "Is your medicine reliable?"

"Reliable! Absolutely reliable!" The eunuch said: "The medicine is used, and it will only be in a coma for a day. The princess will be fine."

Chu Sheng thought about it carefully, and then seemed to make up his mind: "Okay, let's do it this way."

"Pearls, emeralds!"

The two court ladies immediately trotted in.

Chu Sheng covered his heart: "My princess's chest hurts very much now, you two, hurry up and invite my Aunt Qinhuang over here, she is a miracle doctor, and she will definitely cure my illness."

Seeing Chu Sheng's energetic face, Zhu Zhen and Fei Cui were a little puzzled, hesitated for a while, and ran out together.

The little eunuch looked at Chu Sheng: "Your Highness, you can't do this, your face is too rosy, let the villain serve you to dress up."

Chu Sheng nodded.


Bai Yingying didn't listen to Yue Tingfeng's words and went back to Prince Qin's Mansion, but went to the Ministry of Household Affairs, where she happened to have some things to deal with.

Not long after arriving at the household department, Pearl and Jade came running.

The two court ladies stood in front of Bai Yingying, crying with snot and tears.

"Wangfei, I beg you to save my princess. My princess's heart hurts so badly now. If you don't help her, she will die of pain."

Bai Yingying: "The princess is sick. There is an imperial physician in the palace. Did you two go to the wrong place? Instead of going to the imperial hospital to ask for an imperial physician, you came to me instead."

Fei Cui said: "Princess Wangfei, the princess is already grown up, and her heart hurts. The doctors in the imperial hospital are all men. How can they treat Her Highness the princess?"

Bai Yingying: "My heart hurts, you don't have to look at your heart."

"But, just in case." Fei Cui said anxiously, "I beg you, my princess, my princess is going to faint from the pain."

Pearl directly knelt down to Bai Yingying, kowtowed to her, and wiped her tears: "Princess, my servant knows that the princess offended you a lot before, but she knew she was wrong later, and she often said in front of her servant that she wanted to I have to personally come to the door to apologize to the princess.

However, she was afraid that His Royal Highness King Qin would blame her, so she never dared to go to apologize. This time, Her Royal Highness felt a pain in her heart, remembering that Princess Wangfei was in the household department, so let the two of us come over to find your mother as soon as possible, and ask her to send a message Kindness, go save my princess. "

The people in Hubu were all attracted by the movement here, Bai Yingying frowned.

Jade and Pearl still kowtowed with tears in front of them, speaking soft words.

Bai Yingying finally stood up. Seeing that the two were still kneeling on the ground, she said, "Why are you still kneeling? Lead the way."

Jade and Pearl were overjoyed, they stood up quickly, and walked out with Bai Yingying.

(End of this chapter)

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