The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 779 The younger brother will never let her give birth to the heir of King Qin of Southern Ch

Chapter 779 The younger brother will never let her give birth to the heir of King Qin of Southern Chu

Emperor Chu stared at Chu Tianci's face all the time, seeing his expression was indifferent, showing no reluctance at all, he couldn't help wondering in his heart, could it be that he was really wrong?
Chu Tianci did all this just to get his will, so that he could give up Bai Yingying?
However, they were obviously very affectionate before, ah?It spread throughout Jinling City.

In a blink of an eye, Emperor Chu came up with the answer himself. His younger brother has been smart since he was a child, and he has many eyes. Could it be that the love that spread throughout Jinling City came from him walking in secret?

Emperor Chu stared at Chu Tianci, his eyes, like searchlights, wanted to shine into his heart.

It seems plausible, but there is always something wrong.

Emperor Chu frowned, thinking secretly.

If this was really his original intention, then he could throw down the letter of divorce, and then turn around and leave. Why would he say such things to himself, isn't he afraid of taking back his holy order?

Just when Emperor Chu's thoughts turned, Chu Tianci spoke again: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether I write this letter or not, and the Qin Palace doesn't care about having an extra mouth. Anyway, even if there is no royal order, the minister will If you don’t like it, you still won’t like it.”

As Chu Tianci said, he leaned down slowly and approached the Emperor Chu: "Brother Emperor can force a woman to your younger brother, but you can't even care about your younger brother's sex in the bed, even if she stays in Qin Palace , it's just a display, and I will definitely not let her give birth to the heir of King Qin of Southern Chu."

Emperor Chu: "..."

He looked at Chu Tianci with a cold face, and suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, like a high mountain, oppressing him heavily, making him unable to breathe.

Just when Emperor Chu was about to have an attack, Chu Tianci suddenly straightened up, and Emperor Chu suddenly felt that the pressure in front of him dissipated instantly, and he couldn't help exhaling a few breaths.

Regarding what Chu Tianci said at this moment, the balance between belief and disbelief in Emperor Chu's heart was one after another, and in the end, he still believed that he had the upper hand.

In this way, Emperor Chu's doubts about Bai Yingying were immediately eliminated.

Only when Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci have no feelings for each other can he use Bai Yingying's sharp knife with confidence.

"Hey..." Emperor Chu sighed, looked at Chu Tianci, and said earnestly, "My brother, you misunderstood me. I loved you the most since I was a child. Those things I gave you when I was young , are my most beloved things, but I never thought that you would have such a misunderstanding."

He stood up, walked in front of Chu Tianci, and patted him on the shoulder: "You don't like that Bai Yingying, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you told me earlier, I would definitely not betroth her to you , why wait until now?"

Emperor Chu picked up the divorce letter on the table, then took out the folded paper sign from it, and flicked it lightly to disperse the divorce letter.

The quality of the paper is a bit old, and the words on it seem to have been written for a while.

Emperor Chu looked down and saw that the time of inscription below was the day when he bestowed the marriage.

Anger suddenly surged in his heart, Chu Tianci really didn't take himself as the emperor seriously for a moment, he just wrote the divorce letter at home after he bestowed a marriage on him.

Because of this burst of anger, Emperor Chu glanced at him coldly, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Now that Bai Yingying is in prison for a crime, if the emperor's younger brother takes out the letter of divorce at this time, I'm afraid it will damage the emperor's reputation." Loss, I think about it carefully, now is not the time.

So, take this divorce letter back first. "

(End of this chapter)

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