The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 793 So You Are Such An Annoying Person

Chapter 793 So You Are Such An Annoying Person
That bitch, Empress Dowager Feng, doesn't obey women's morals, not only has fornication, but also gave birth to a son, and this son is Qi Wang Chu Tianqi.

If your lord can avenge me and ruin this slut's reputation, I will definitely protect your lord's men to be officials for generations, and his women to marry into wealthy families for generations.

I put a curse on this blue brick, if your lord can't avenge me, then everything will go wrong in the future, and for future generations, men will be slaves for generations, and women will be prostitutes for generations.

"Damn! Chang Xin must be mentally ill!"

With a snap, Bai Yingying threw the green brick on the ground, and the brick was smashed to pieces in an instant.

Bai Yingying angrily kicked the broken brick and cursed: "No wonder he was killed, so he is such an annoying person."

However, I have to say that this gossip secret is really big.

While Bai Yingying was angry, she was also amazed that Empress Dowager Feng, who looked so superior, would unexpectedly have an affair with someone.

The most unbelievable thing is that she even gave birth to a son with the person she had an affair with, and was named a strange king by the late emperor.

Bai Yingying looked at the handwriting on the blue brick, and was a little dazed. Is what was written on it true?

However, this Xingui is really naive, thinking that with a few threats and perfunctory promises, the person who found this green brick can avenge her?This is also really silly and a little naive.


At this moment, a cat meowed suddenly from behind.

Bai Yingying turned her head and saw a white cat squatting on the window sill.

It's just that this white cat has obviously been wandering outside for a long time, and its fur is not so white anymore.

Seeing her looking at him, the white cat jumped down from the window sill with a "swish", then walked over from the window sill with graceful catwalks, and rubbed its bony and dirty body and head against Bai Yingying's face. ankle.

"Why? You want me to raise you?"

Bai Yingying squatted down, looked at the white cat and asked.

Naturally, the white cat would not answer her, but kept rubbing its head against her feet.

A cat is a creature that pleases people, and even a hard-hearted person can be lovable by it.

After being flattered by it for 5 minutes, Bai Yingying finally made a decision - raise it.

Bai Yingying patted it on the head: "You are a white cat and you followed me. From now on, you will be called Bai Xiaoxiao."

At this moment, Gao Yuan hurried in from the outside, holding a big paper bag in his hand.

When he saw the white cat beside Bai Yingying from a distance, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then he quickly stepped forward and handed the paper bag to Bai Yingying.

"My lord, this is a steamed bun. This month, the villain is on night shift, so I won't be able to bring you food during the day today. You will eat these steamed buns. When the villain comes over at night, I will eat them again." Bring you something delicious."

Bai Yingying reached out to take the paper bag: "Thank you very much."

She opened the paper bag, shared a small piece of steamed bun, and threw it to Bai Xiaoxiao.

Bai Xiaoxiao was very hungry, even if it was steamed buns, she didn't dislike it at all, and started to eat it hungrily.

Gao Yuan looked at the white cat on the ground, and asked cautiously, "Princess Wangfei, is this the cat from last night?"

"Hush!" Bai Yingying quickly stopped him: "This is not the one from last night, it must be a wild cat in the palace, it ran in from the window sill just now, stuck to me, asked me to raise it, I had no choice, so I decided to raise it up.

Brother Gao, remember to bring some more food tonight. In addition, bring me a pen and paper. I wrote a letter. You can bring it to Qi Fang of Jiulixiang, and he will give you money for me. . "

(End of this chapter)

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