The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 802 In order to save himself, did he compromise with Emperor Chu?

Chapter 802 In order to save himself, did he compromise with Emperor Chu?
Emperor Chu: "Emperor physician, show her."

Bai Yingying quickly waved her hand: "Don't look at it, this morning, they brought over good wine and food, and I ate them all, so I still have energy at the moment."

Concubine Lin Gui asked in surprise, "Have you eaten all of it?"

She ate it all, why is there nothing wrong?Concubine Lin Gui was really puzzled.

"Yes." Bai Yingying looked at Concubine Lin Gui, wondering why she was so surprised?Does she know there is something wrong with this meal?

Bai Yingying nodded: "I ate them all. I was very hungry, so I ate them all at once. No, I have the energy to go out and play with Xiaoxiao. What's the matter? My nobleman, is there something wrong with the food?"

Concubine Lin quickly shook her head: "I don't know, I just admire Princess Qin, she has a pure heart, like a child, without any taboos."

Bai Yingying shook her head: "Actually not, I just thought, if the emperor wants me to die, then even if I want to live, I won't be able to live. It's better to have a full meal before dying than to starve to death."

Concubine Lin Gui hurriedly said to Emperor Chu: "Your Majesty, Princess Qin is so loyal to His Majesty, the concubine feels that she will not poison His Highness, Your Majesty, please learn from me."

The more Lin Guifei was like this, the more Bai Yingying felt that there was something wrong with this person.

However, she did not show it on her face, and thanked Lin Guifei gratefully.

Emperor Chu didn't believe it or disbelieve him. He suddenly looked at Bai Yingying and said, "Bai Yingying, the King of Qin came to see me yesterday. Do you want to know what the King of Qin said to me?"

Bai Yingying's heart shuddered secretly.

My husband must be very worried about entering the clan mansion, so, has he entered the palace to meet the Emperor Chu?

In order to save himself, did he compromise with Emperor Chu?
Just when Bai Yingying was thinking wildly and guessing, Emperor Chu suddenly said: "The king of Qin said that you have been married to the mansion of the king of Qin for many days, but you have not seen any heirs, so he begged me to let me give him another marriage."

"What?" Bai Yingying was completely stunned.

He...does he still care about heirs after all?

Even though she knew that Emperor Chu's words should not be trusted, Bai Yingying knew that if Chu Tianci hadn't brought up the issue of heirs, Emperor Chu would not have mentioned this matter.

Thoughts were running in her mind, what would my husband say to Emperor Chu regarding the issue of his heirs.

Emperor Chu glanced at the imperial physician: "So, I called the imperial physician here today, and asked the imperial physician to show you if there is really something wrong with your health. After all, I cannot let the Qin Palace cut off the incense."

The smile on Bai Yingying's face disappeared, she nodded slightly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The imperial physician asked Bai Yingying to sit down, and then checked her pulse. After a careful examination, the imperial physician came to a conclusion. He walked up to Emperor Chu and whispered something in his ear.

Emperor Chu was shocked for a moment. He subconsciously turned his head to look at Bai Yingying, and suddenly the shock on his face turned into a satisfied expression.

In the past few days when Bai Yingying entered the clan mansion, she thought a lot. She thought about her current situation in all aspects, and she didn't think she would be in great danger. On the contrary, it was Chu Tianci. She was worried that he would Because of himself, he made a compromise with Emperor Chu.

Therefore, she asked Gao Yuan to go to Jiulixiang to find Qi Fang early on, also to tell Chu Tianci about her current situation.

Now that Emperor Chu suddenly brought up the issue of heirs, Bai Yingying was a little bit lost at first, but after the imperial physician finished the examination, she vaguely guessed what Chu Tianci was thinking.

At this moment, the imperial physician suddenly asked: "May I ask Princess Qin, did you take any special medicine on weekdays?"

(End of this chapter)

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