The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 811 Finding the Princess

Chapter 811 Finding the Princess
Empress Jiang stopped in her tracks, looked back at her, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "You are afraid that the emperor and the empress dowager will blame you and implicate you, right?"

Xiangwan quickly knelt down: "I dare not, no matter what the mother does, the slave is willing to follow to the death."

Empress Jiang looked down at her for a while, but finally couldn't bear it, she raised her hand slightly, and helped her up: "Go and prepare, I will go to Qiluan Palace to meet the emperor."

Xiangwan quickly agreed, and turned to prepare for Empress Jiang.


In the Qiluan Hall, Empress Dowager Feng walked in with the support of Wang Fulai and Shen Miaowei.

"Emperor, is Sheng'er still missing?"

Queen Mother Feng asked.

Emperor Chu was irritated, but he had no choice but to put away his irritability towards Empress Dowager Feng. He frowned and shook his head: "All the guards in the palace have gone out to look for them, and Yue Tingfeng also brought people from Xuanming Division I went out to look for it, but after one night, there was no sign of Sheng'er."

Empress Dowager Feng swayed and almost fainted, but fortunately with the support of Shen Miaowei and Wang Fulai, she was able to stand still.

Emperor Chu saw that Empress Dowager Feng was not in a good state of mind, so he comforted her and said, "Queen Mother, go back and rest first. It's good to have me here. When you find Sheng'er, I will send someone to announce the good news to you immediately."

Empress Dowager Feng didn't speak, she looked around and saw that besides Emperor Chu, there was no Empress Jiang beside Lin Guifei and Concubine Nan, she frowned immediately.

"Where's the queen?"

Concubine Lin Gui secretly rejoiced, and subconsciously looked at Emperor Chu.

On the other hand, Concubine Nan explained for the queen: "After returning to the mother, the empress did not feel well yesterday and is resting in bed."

"Still resting in bed again!" Empress Dowager Feng was dissatisfied, her face turned cold: throughout the year, she never had a good time. "

Concubine Lin added fuel to the flames: "After all, Princess Sheng is the empress's own daughter. Even if she is unwell, she should send a servant over to ask if Princess Sheng has been found. The empress is so silent, and the concubines know her. It's because she's unwell, I don't know, I thought Princess Sheng wasn't her own."

"Imperial concubine!" Emperor Chu frowned and scolded.

Concubine Lin quickly begged for mercy: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty, this concubine is outspoken, and pities Sheng'er on behalf of the Emperor."

Empress Dowager Feng's face collapsed: "Concubine Lin Gui is right, the emperor, the empress is ruthless and ungrateful, and you have spoiled her for so many years, enough..."

"Your Majesty, the empress is asking to see you."

Emperor Chu was in the midst of the lawsuit, when he suddenly heard the eunuch's voice, as if he heard the sound of nature, he immediately looked at the queen mother: "Mother, look, the queen still cares about Sheng'er, she is not a heartless person. "

After speaking, Emperor Chu couldn't wait to raise his hand: "Hurry up!"

Soon, Empress Jiang came in with the support of Cailian and Xiangwan. She saluted Empress Dowager Feng first, and then bowed to Emperor Chu.

Emperor Chu hurried over and stretched out his hand to help her up.

Concubine Lin Gui on the side, her heart twitched violently, but her expression remained unchanged.

Concubine Nan saw Empress Jiang and hurried over to support her.

"Your Majesty, have you found the princess?"

Empress Jiang asked, her voice was gentle and moving, but in this gentle and moving voice, there was not much anxiety.

Emperor Chu shook his head. He stretched out his hand to grab Empress Jiang's hand, and comforted him: "Don't worry, they are already looking for it. I will definitely find Sheng'er back."

The moment Emperor Chu grabbed Empress Jiang's hand, she subconsciously wanted to retract, but in the end she still didn't retract.

(End of this chapter)

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