The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 814 You'd better listen obediently, otherwise, I'll let you say goodbye to this wo

Chapter 814 You'd better be obedient, otherwise, I'll let you say goodbye to this world

Bai Yingying took a deep breath: "Do you know, you almost died yesterday, I saved you."

"I almost died?" Chu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then realized in an instant: "Isn't it you who poisoned me?"

"Heh!" Bai Yingying laughed angrily: "Chu Sheng, it's fine if you frame me in front of others, but if you still frame me like this in front of me, are you out of your mind? Did I poison you? Don't have points?"

Chu Sheng was a little embarrassed to be exposed by her, but she didn't want to admit it, so she stuck her neck and argued: "After you gave me the medicine that day, I fell into a coma. Who is it if it's not you?"

"Okay, okay!" Bai Yingying said two good words in a row, and then took out two pills: "Didn't you say that I poisoned you? I, Bai Yingying, can't be wronged by you for nothing, since you think so I'll poison you, so I'll give you poison now, the one with the intestines pierced, the one with sores on the top of the head, the one with pus on the soles of the feet, which one do you choose?"

Chu Sheng was frightened immediately, she closed her mouth tightly and shook her head vigorously.

"Don't want to eat?" Bai Yingying said coldly: "It's okay if you don't want to eat. When your father comes, tell her that I was wronged and I didn't poison you."

Chu Sheng didn't speak.

Bai Yingying put the medicine close to her mouth again: "Seeing how annoying you are, I think this one with sores on the top of the head and pus on the soles of the feet is more suitable for you, why don't you try it."

Chu Sheng turned pale with fright, turned his head back forcefully, and stammered, "I promise, can't I promise you?"

Bai Yingying reached out and pulled out a silver needle on her acupuncture point. Chu Sheng suddenly felt his throat loosen, as if he opened his mouth to speak, and even breathed more freely.

But the body is still unable to move.

Bai Yingying stood by the bed, looked sideways at Chu Sheng: "Do you know where this is?"

Chu Sheng's eyes subconsciously looked around the room for a week, only to realize that this is not her Fengxian Palace.

Chu Sheng was waiting to ask, but Bai Yingying told her first: "This is the clan mansion, your father imprisoned me here, although there is food to eat and a place to sleep, but I don't feel free after all, I don't like it. "

Chu Sheng frowned and looked at her without speaking.

Bai Yingying said again: "So, if your father comes here in a while, you know what to say."

Chu Sheng pouted: "You want me to intercede with Father?"

Bai Yingying's eyes widened immediately, and she raised her hand to give her a huge profit, cursing: "Did you do it on purpose or have a bad memory? I just told you, and you forgot again?"

As she said that, Bai Yingying raised her hand to strike again.

Chu Sheng was so frightened that his tears welled up: "Don't hit me, don't hit me, I remember, if my father comes, I will tell my father, Aunt Huang, you were wronged, and you didn't do my poison."

"It's not too bad." Bai Yingying glanced at her impatiently, and then warned: "Don't think about waiting for your father to come, you can sue him, let me tell you, I can steal the money without anyone noticing. If you bring it out of Fengxian Palace once, it will bring you out for the second time.

However, if you let me take you out a second time, then I don't know if your life is still alive. "

Chu Sheng was frightened and dumbfounded: " brought me out of Fengxian Palace?"

Bai Yingying nodded: "Now, people are looking for you everywhere, as long as I don't want them to know where you are, no one can find you. So, you'd better be obedient, otherwise, I will let you say goodbye to this world. "

(End of this chapter)

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