The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 818 Since this is what you should do, why should I thank you?

Chapter 818 Since this is what you should do, why should I thank you?

Shen Miao walked beside Empress Dowager Feng, but her gaze seemed to be drawn by some silk thread, and she kept staring at Chu Tianci, like an infatuated woman looking at her husband.

Chu Tianci's face was pale, as if he didn't see it.

Before leaving, the queen took a deep look at Chu Sheng for a while, then turned around and was about to leave.

Chu Sheng hurried forward: "Mother..."

Empress Jiang hesitated for a moment, but finally raised her hand and patted the hand she held on her arm: "It's fine."

Her voice was very light, and she couldn't hear the slightest emotion. Chu Sheng's heart sank, and she pursed her lips tightly and didn't speak for a while.

Empress Jiang took her hand away and said, "Go back and have a good rest."

After that, Empress Jiang walked forward like a normal person.

Empress Jiang came out of the clan's mansion, and saw a guard from the Habayashi hurried past her eyes. In a blink of an eye, Empress Jiang saw a pair of dark and deep eyes, and glanced at her.

The feeling of that glance was both familiar and unfamiliar. Empress Jiang stood there in a daze as if struck by lightning. It took a while to realize that she wanted to chase the man, but found that the man had already disappeared.

Chu Sheng stood on the spot, staring at Empress Jiang's figure for a while, and she didn't react until Chu Tianci took Bai Yingying away and Yue Tingfeng followed behind.

Seeing Yue Tingfeng, her slightly depressed mood immediately rose. She ran forward and grabbed Yue Tingfeng's arm.

"Brother Yue, I feel a little uncomfortable, can you take me back?"

Yue Tingfeng immediately raised his hand to Chu Tianci who was in front of him: "His Royal Highness, Princess Qin, please stay."

Chu Tianci and Bai Yingying both stopped and turned around.

Yue Tingfeng looked at Chu Sheng: "If the princess is not feeling well, you can ask the princess to take another look for you."

"Ah?" Chu Sheng glanced at Bai Yingying depressedly.

At this time, Bai Yingying took two steps towards her, took her hand and felt her pulse.

After taking the pulse, Bai Yingying said calmly: "The toxins in your body have almost been cleaned up, and your body can naturally metabolize the remaining toxins. For the next half month, you should pay attention to rest and eat more. Just some nutritious food."

Chu Sheng asked: "Nutritious food? Can Aunt Huang give me a list?"

"Many things are nutritious." Bai Yingying broke her fingers and reported, "Such as chicken soup, eggs, five grains, and various vegetables and fruits."

After Bai Yingying and Chu Tianci left, Chu Sheng also ran to the door after Yue Tingfeng.

"Brother Yue, just now I helped Aunt Huang clarify to Father Huang, shouldn't you thank me well?"

Just now, she just said that for Yue Tingfeng's sake.

Yue Tingfeng stopped and looked at her: "Your Highness, Princess Qin is innocent, and she saved you, shouldn't you clarify to the emperor and clear her of the crime? Since this is what you should do , then why should I thank you?"

"You..." Chu Sheng pointed at him angrily, unable to speak for a moment.

"Besides, I have something else I want to say to Your Highness the Princess." Yue Tingfeng took a step closer to her and said coldly: "On that day, I was ordered by the emperor to arrest all the people in the House of Internal Affairs, but the last one was It was found that there were four missing, and the last movements of these four people went to Concubine Lin, Queen Mother Feng, Concubine Nan and Her Highness the Princess respectively.

Immediately afterward, Her Royal Highness sent someone to go to the household department to find Princess Qin. After Princess Qin left, Her Royal Highness was poisoned.

The reason for this must be clear to Her Royal Highness the Princess. "

(End of this chapter)

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