The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 821 Is This Your Sincere Chapter?

Chapter 821 Is This Your Truth?
Chu Tianci's angry appearance was really scary, his face was gloomy, and the rain was about to come.

Bai Yingying was stunned by his yelling, feeling extremely wronged in her heart, she glared at Chu Tianci: "You also said, I was doing something, I am not like you, making a big hit at the gate of Prince Qin's mansion Hua, I want to marry the second one to come in."

Chu Tianci: "This king warns you, don't be arrogant! From the moment you enter the Qin Palace, you should know that there are many places in the Qin Palace besides Qin Wangfei. Who will give it to you?" You have the guts to ask this king to be your husband only."

" this your truth?" Bai Yingying looked at him, her eyes were heavy with tears.

When we first met, Chu Tianci was just indifferent. At that time, they were not familiar with each other at all, so no matter how indifferent he was, to Bai Yingying, he was just like the cool hero in modern TV dramas, and he didn't think it was that scary.

However, after going through so much, the relationship between the two of them has always been gluey, and now she suddenly got angry at her and talked to her in such a threatening tone, she couldn't bear it, and she was suddenly wronged.

Seeing her eyes filled with tears, Chu Tianci sighed in his heart that his little Jiaojiao was too good at pretending, but in fact it was unnecessary, because those Emperor Chu's eyeliner was still some distance away from them, and they couldn't notice such details at all.

Although he felt that Bai Yingying's tears were fake, Chu Tianci still felt a little distressed.

In order to prevent her from "crying" any longer, Chu Tianci stretched out his hand to hold her wrist: "Go back with me. From now on, you will stay in Prince Qin's mansion as the prince's concubine Qin, and don't go anywhere."

As he spoke, he dragged Bai Yingying and strode inside.

As the gates of Prince Qin's Mansion were closed, two of those eyeliners withdrew, returned to the palace, and reported the situation to Emperor Chu.

When Emperor Chu listened to the report of the two, a confident smile appeared on his face.

It seems that the relationship between the two of them is indeed as Chu Tianci said, they are affectionate and loving on the surface, but secretly they have their own thoughts.

Emperor Chu waved the two of them back and told them to go back and stare.

Emperor Chu glanced sideways at Li Dezhong and asked, "Dezhong, what do you think about the relationship between King Qin and Princess Qin?"

Li Dezhong hurriedly bowed and replied: "Back to the emperor, this old slave feels that King Qin is very fond of Princess Qin."

"Oh?" Emperor Chu raised his eyebrows slightly: "How can you see that?"

Li Dezhong replied: "Concubine Qin dares to ask King Qin to be her husband alone, dare to ask the emperor, in the harem, even if the emperor favors another concubine, there is no woman who dares to ask the emperor like this."

Emperor Chu's face turned cold: "You compare him with me?"

"I don't dare." Li Dezhong knelt down in fear: "The old slave just thinks that with King Qin's temperament, if he didn't really dote on this woman, how could he agree to such an unreasonable request from this woman."

"It does make some sense." Emperor Chu thought for a while, "Then wait a few days and see."


Qin Wangfu.

When Bai Yingying returned to Qianqiu Hall, she began to pack her belongings.

She took Wang Song with her, and while walking, she put things into the space bound to Wang Song.

"I wrote this book, and I want to take it away."

While talking, Bai Yingying threw a stack of books into the space angrily.

"I made this thing, and I want to take it away."

Bai Yingying is like a child who has lost his temper, angrily pulling all his things into his small warehouse, that appearance is very cute.

(End of this chapter)

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