Chapter 829
During this time, what she taught most was medical skills. As for the knowledge of physical chemistry, she did not teach systematically, but only wrote two books on basic theories.

It's amazing that Chu Tianci was able to invent such a heat preservation pot based on those basic knowledge.

In the next few days, Chu Tianci was very busy and did not go to Lengqiu Courtyard.

This busy, but not really busy, most of the things that Emperor Chu found for him.

Either let him enter the palace to accompany him, or send someone to the Qin Palace to supervise Chu Tianci's preparations.

In the past few days, people from the White Mansion have been coming over one after another, wanting to visit Bai Yingying, but they were all turned away by the guards of Prince Qin's Mansion.

It wasn't until the big wedding five days later that Emperor Chu had no reason to keep Chu Tianci by his side, so he let him go completely.

This big wedding, in terms of ostentation and ignorance, is not very luxurious, but in terms of etiquette, it is very grand.

The Palace of the Prince of Qin held a banquet and invited officials of all sizes from Jinling City. In addition, the Emperor Chu, the Empress Dowager and other people with the most status and weight in the royal family would also attend.

Compared with the previous ones, this wedding was just bringing Bai Yingying back from the White Mansion in private, so it was inconceivably grander.

The people in Baifu were originally reluctant to come, but because they hadn't seen Bai Yingying for many days, they were worried, so on the day of Chu Tianci's wedding, the whole family of Baifu bravely came to attend the wedding, It's just that everyone's face is ugly.

Because Shen Miaowei is the adoptive daughter of Empress Dowager Feng, so the wedding procession is the palace officials.

When the palace band was blowing and sending Shen Miaowei's sedan chair to the gate of Prince Qin's Mansion, many guests stood nearby to watch the excitement.

The Bai family is also among them.

With the sound of festive rites and music, Chu Tianci came out from the gate of Prince Qin's mansion wearing a bright red groom's wedding dress, and the guards who followed him were also wearing red festive clothes.

Chu Tianci, who was wearing a red wedding dress, was like a dazzling sun, which made everyone present sigh.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of His Royal Highness King Qin. He is truly imposing and handsome."

"Of course, His Royal Highness King Qin is the most handsome man born in Southern Chu."

"It's just that I don't know that Shen... the new princess, He De and He Neng, was able to win the favor of His Royal Highness King Qin and marry her into the door with such a great gift."

"He De He Neng? Please keep your voice down, she is the adopted daughter of the Empress Dowager."

"That's right, according to the ostentation, she should be the main concubine of Prince Qin's mansion. Then what about the former princess of Qin? There can't be two concubines in one mansion, right?"

"The former one must be the side concubine without a doubt. Just look at the ostentation and the background, and you will know that she is the adopted daughter of the empress dowager, and there is a court ceremonial team to marry her. It can be seen that she is supported by the emperor and the empress dowager. Look again. Although the former princess is the daughter of the General Zhenguo's Mansion, you also know that the current General Zhenguo's Mansion doesn't have much real power anymore."

"Shh!" Someone hissed, motioning the person to whisper.

As soon as the man turned his head, he met Bai Xu's embarrassing tiger eyes, which were shining with anger.

Beside him, Liu Shi clenched Bai Zong's arm and leaned tightly on his body, with tears in his eyes and a miserable expression on his face.

"The groom kicks the sedan door."

The ceremonial officer yelled.

Chu Tianci stepped forward and stopped in front of the sedan chair.

For a moment, the people around him automatically held their breath, and their eyes fell on him.

(End of this chapter)

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