The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 831 Send her to the palace another day, Aijia will teach her the rules for you

Chapter 831 Send her to the palace another day, Aijia will teach her the rules for you
When Chu Tianci gave an order, Liu Guang immediately flew up behind him, grabbed the iron whip in Lou Cangyue's hand in an instant, and pulled her to the ground.

Before Emperor Chu could speak, Chu Tianci ordered Liu Guang to take Lou Cangyue down.

Afterwards, Chu Tianci walked up to the Emperor Chu and bowed to salute: "Brother Huang, she was my brother's righteous sister just now. She has a good relationship with the princess, so she ran out today to make things difficult for my brother. If you disturb my brother, please Royal brother Haihan."

"So it's your righteous sister." Emperor Chu said indifferently: "The Duke of Qin seems to be pampering this righteous sister."

Chu Tianci hurriedly said: "My younger brother, this righteous sister was born reckless, so I don't know the rules, but my younger brother will teach her well, please rest assured, brother emperor and queen mother."

Empress Dowager Feng interjected: "Teaching women how to behave, are you men doing a good job? Heavens, send her to the palace another day, and the Ai family will teach her the rules for you."

Chu Tianci: "Cang Yue is reckless by nature and disobedient to discipline. If she goes to the palace, she might offend her mother. Besides, Erchen's mother and concubine are also there, and she has also stayed in the palace before. She wants to train the girl like this If the concubine mother is still competent, I dare not bother the queen mother."

Empress Dowager Feng had to give up.

Concubine Lin Gui smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the good times are almost over, let's hurry up and welcome the bride into the mansion."

Emperor Chu nodded and resigned to Chu Tian: "Today you are the protagonist, so you don't have to worry about me. Hurry up and welcome the bride into the house."

Chu Tianci turned around and walked to the sedan chair. He raised his right hand, which was torn from his clothes, and said, "My king's hand is injured, so I can't do it again. You should quickly help the bride into the mansion."

Xi Po repeatedly agreed and supported Shen Miaowei to walk inside.

Entering the inner hall, Empress Dowager Feng took the main seat, and Concubine Duan sat on the lower left side of Empress Dowager Feng.

After everyone took their seats, Chu Tianci and Shen Miaowei also stood in the middle of the wedding hall.

Empress Dowager Feng looked around and saw Bai Yingying, so she asked, "Where is Side Concubine Bai?"

With the words "Bi Concubine", Bai Yingying's status was reduced from the original Concubine to Concubine, and Shen Miaowei's status as Concubine was confirmed at the same time.

Concubine Duan said: "Bai Fangfei is not feeling well, she is resting in the mansion, today's affairs are complicated, so she was not allowed to come out."

Concubine Duan said that Bai Yingying was ill, so Emperor Chu and Empress Dowager Feng couldn't force Bai Yingying to come out.

Empress Dowager Feng signaled to the official, who nodded, then took a step forward and shouted loudly.

"Worship heaven and earth."

Chu Tianci and Shen Miaowei bowed to the outside world.

"Two thanks to the high hall."

The two turned around again and bowed to Concubine Duan.

"Happy husband and wife."

In the end, the two turned towards each other for a small half circle, Chu Tianci took two steps back, at a relatively far distance from Shen Miaowei, bowed slightly, and completed the wedding ceremony of husband and wife.

"Send to the bridal chamber."

Following the ceremonial officer's shout, Chu Tianci and Shen Miaowei were surrounded by a group of people and entered Qianqiu Palace.

According to the usual practice, after the husband and wife are sent to the bridal chamber, they don't really want the bridal chamber immediately, but leave the bride in the new house, and the groom leaves the new house and comes to the banquet to toast with everyone.

Following the crowd, after Chu Tianci sent Shen Miaowei into the new house, he turned around and walked out to toast with others during the banquet.

The first people Chu Tianci respected were of course Emperor Chu and Empress Dowager Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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