The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 834 I am not only your princess, but also your master

Chapter 834 I am not only your princess, but also your master

"My lord, this assassin is trying to assassinate me."

Bai Yingying walked over, looked down, saw that it was Yue Tingfeng, she was slightly taken aback.

In an instant, she looked up at the three of them: "He is my friend, you all put away your swords."

Seeing that Bai Yingying had spoken, the three of them did not dare to disobey, and put away their long swords.

Bai Yingying came over and asked with concern: "Brother Yue, are you alright?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to help.

However, when her hand was about to touch Yue Tingfeng, a hidden guard stepped forward, twisted Yue Tingfeng's collar, and pulled him up.

Bai Yingying glared at him, and said angrily, "My brother-in-law is here, hurry up and prepare the food and drinks."

One of the hidden guards persuaded: "Your Majesty, Your Highness has ordered that Leng Qiu Court cannot accept outsiders."

Bai Yingying was annoyed immediately, and said admonishingly, "He's my adopted brother, so he can't be considered an outsider. Hey, forget it, anyway, you can't eat the food and drinks you prepared, so I won't bother you."

Saying that, Bai Yingying walked to the stone table in the front pavilion, and then waved to Yue Tingfeng: "Brother Yue, please sit here."

When Yue Tingfeng took her seat, Bai Yingying shouted loudly: "Xiaohong, Xiaocui."

After a while, Xiaohong and Xiaocui came out from inside.

Bai Yingying ordered: "This is my brother-in-law, you two, hurry up and prepare some food and wine, I want to entertain my brother-in-law here."

The two of them took a look at Yue Tingfeng, and finally agreed, and went down to prepare the food and drinks.

After a while, the two brought up three simple dishes, but there was no wine, only tea.

Bai Yingying took a sip, realized something was wrong, and immediately got angry: "What? Now that Prince Qin's mansion has a new concubine, don't you take my words seriously? Don't forget, besides being your concubine, I am also your master." .

If you dare to be so contemptuous again, I will expel you from the sect. "

Seeing that Bai Yingying was angry, Xiaohong and Xiaocui didn't dare to be perfunctory, so she hurriedly fetched sweet wine and served it to Bai Yingying and Yueting Fengman.

Bai Yingying took a sip, and finally tasted the wine, and she was satisfied.

She waved her hand, "You all go down."

The three hidden guards turned around and hid in a dark place not far away.

Xiaohong and Xiaocui didn't dare to provoke Bai Yingying, so they had to watch Bai Yingying quietly not far away.

Bai Yingying got the wine, but she didn't toast to Yue Tingfeng, but drank one cup after another by herself.

Although a few days ago, Chu Tianci held her hand and told her affectionately that he only had her in his heart.

After thinking about it, she also tacitly agreed to let him solve the matter, and she waited quietly here for him to come back.

However, there are some things that cannot be calmed without thinking through them.

Moreover, the closer to his and Shen Miaowei's wedding, the more impatience in Bai Yingying's heart intensified.

Even sometimes, she would be annoyed, why her heart can't be as calm as in her previous life.

The day when he got married was also the day when her heart was the most vulnerable. She originally thought about going out to take a look at him quietly.

Because, she believes, people's eyes can't deceive people.

As long as she took a sneak peek, she would know whether Chu Tianci had feelings for Shen Miaowei or not.

But who knows, when they got outside the door, they found that there was an extra wall in front of Leng Qiuyuan.

It was obvious that the man was going to imprison her, which she could not tolerate.

Yue Tingfeng watched her pouring herself wine one after another, feeling very distressed.

He looked at her tenderly and affectionately: "Yingying, drinking alcohol hurts your health, so drink less."

(End of this chapter)

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