The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 848 What Is The Scar On Your Back?

Chapter 848 What Is The Scar On Your Back?

Before he finished speaking, Bai Yingying blocked the words behind him, which made Chu Tianci feel embarrassed, Jun blushed slightly, and said "tsk", then obediently put the hand on his waist down.

He knew that there was no limit to being shameless compared to his little Jiaojiao, and he was asking for trouble.

But he likes her like this, she is free and unrestrained in front of him, but outside, although she is not particularly dignified and elegant, she is also generous and decent.

Although she would have contact with other men when she was doing things, he could feel that the way she treated others was completely different from how she treated herself.

Bai Yingying took off his belt and cloak for him, and let him hug the cloak in front as a quilt. Afterwards, she hid her hands under the cloak and carefully took off the clothes inside for him.

After the inner tie was untied, Bai Yingying got up and turned behind him, lifted the hem of his clothes, and got into the clothes behind him.

Turn on the flashlight and shine it on his back...

I saw his vest was red and swollen, and in the middle, some places were scorched black.

From his right shoulder to his left waist, there is a long and eye-catching scar, inserted in the middle of the redness and swelling, making his back look abnormally shocking.

Bai Yingying's heart ached when she saw it, and her eyes were slightly hot. She quickly took out the wound medicine from her bag, and then sprayed it on the wound on his back very lightly.

When the medicine was sprayed for the first time, the skin on Chu Tianci's back slightly shrank, and Bai Yingying asked quickly, "Husband, did I hurt you?"

"No." Chu Tianci turned his head to look at her: "Don't worry about applying the medicine, I don't feel any pain at all."

In fact, where will it not hurt?Just after being irradiated by the strong light of the horoscope, his back felt burning pain. He knew that this time the injury must be serious, so he didn't want to let Bai Yingying see it, for fear that she would feel distressed.

Some time ago, his people had been learning medical skills from Bai Yingying, and Bai Yingying had already given him the prescription for this kind of trauma treatment medicine without reservation.

So the wound on his back doesn't need her to wipe it himself, he can go back and find Liu Guang.

But who would have thought that the little girl insisted on looking at his wounds and applying medicine to him. In desperation, he was touched and sweet in his heart, so how could he bear to make her feel sad?
"It doesn't hurt?"

Bai Yingying didn't believe it.

"It really doesn't hurt!" Chu Tianci vowed, "Maybe the light is very special like the natal chart, so it doesn't hurt even if you get burned."

Although he said so, Bai Yingying didn't believe it in her heart. How could such a large wound not hurt?
Her movements are lighter and more careful, as gentle as a goose feather falling into a lake.

In each subsequent spraying, the skin on Chu Tianci's back did not shrink anymore, as if he really didn't hurt.

After Bai Yingying finished rubbing the medicine on him, Chu Tianci felt that the pain was relieved a lot, and his mood was also very comfortable. He grabbed Bai Yingying's hand and pulled her to his chest.

Remembering the scar on his back, Bai Yingying pressed her head against his chest and asked, "Husband, what is the scar on your back?"

How strange!They had skin-to-skin contact before, why didn't she notice the scar on his back?

Such a long scar was terrifying just by looking at it. She couldn't imagine how much pain Chu Tianci must have felt after being cut.

(End of this chapter)

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