The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 856 It really is a clever plan!

Chapter 856 It really is a clever plan!
"Hahaha..." Emperor Chu burst into laughter immediately: "Yue Aiqing, you have done a good job on this matter. When it is done, I will definitely reward you heavily."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yue Tingfeng looked at Emperor Chu: "However, Concubine Duan has a request, and she wants the Emperor to agree, otherwise, even if she dies, she will not cooperate with the Emperor."

"What condition?" Emperor Chu said generously, "If she wants money or a name, I can give it to her."

"No." Yue Tingfeng shook his head: "Taiwan Duan said that the current King Qin can die, but her son Chu Tianci cannot."

"What?" Emperor Chu was stunned immediately: "What kind of condition is this? Could it be that there are two Qin kings?"

Yue Tingfeng explained patiently: "She is going to find a reliable person. After the false King of Qin subdues the law, this person will inherit everything from the false King of Qin. When the time comes, they will still return to Qinyang City. After all, Concubine Duan is also I want to find someone to rely on for the rest of my life."

"No." Emperor Chu flatly refused: "Qinyang City has a hundred thousand troops. I can't let someone who is not my confidant go there to be the king of Qin at ease. She wants to rely on her for the rest of her life. I can give her. You can still give her the current King Qin Mansion."

"Your majesty, this is her only request." Yue Tingfeng said awkwardly: "If the emperor refuses to agree to this request, even if she dies, she will not stand up and identify Chu Tianci. Without the identification of Concubine Duan, Any other evidence is not convincing."

Emperor Chu's expression was also very bad: "But I can't train myself another arrogant and rude King Qin."

"Your Majesty, I have a way to get the best of both worlds." Yue Tingfeng suggested.


"You can ask Concubine Duan to prepare the fake King Qin, but the emperor will send someone to follow him to Qinyang City, and wait for the opportunity to kill the fake King Qin. By then, the [-] troops in Qinyang City will be Is it the emperor's?"

Yue listened to the wind and talked, her eyes were as bright as stars.

"Well, good idea!" Emperor Chu asked, "This, can she agree?"

Yue Tingfeng said with a smile: "You don't need to ask Concubine Duan about this at all, you only need to use some tricks to gain the trust of the two. In this way, the emperor's people will follow into Qinyang City, and they can wait for the opportunity to control whole city."

"What means?"

Qinyang City has [-] soldiers and horses, and the strength of Chu Tianci made Emperor Chu dare not easily hand over Qinyang City to anyone, especially someone with the status of King Qin.

"At that time, the emperor can send someone to pretend to be a mountain bandit to intercept and kill Concubine Duan and the fake King of Qin between Jinling and Qinyang City, and send another person to help him out. At that time, Concubine Duan will not only not suspect, Still have a lot of faith in that Warrior."

Yue Tingfeng's face was calm and composed, with a strategizing attitude.

"Wonderful! It really is a clever plan! It's just..." Emperor Chu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Chu Tianci's martial arts are strong, and he has many minions. Today, he said in the hall again that he was depressed because of the wedding. At that time, if we send someone to pass him on, I'm afraid he won't enter the palace, and he might startle the snake."

"Your Majesty, the messenger came to report yesterday. In five or six days, Princess Nanzhao will arrive in Jinling. At that time, the Emperor can use Princess Nanzhao's wedding to invite her into the palace. Presumably, as King Qin of Southern Chu, he has no reason for refusal."

Emperor Chu thought for a while, then nodded: "Yue Aiqing is right. I will leave this matter to you. Be sure to handle it properly."


(End of this chapter)

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