Chapter 869 No sincerity at all

Their toffees and concubines never expected to have such a cute side.

Looking at Concubine Duan like this, Madam Zhang felt very comforted. It seemed that she didn't need to worry too much. The Empress Dowager and Empress Wang will soon reconcile.

Nanny Zhang signaled to Qiuju and Dongmei to help Bai Yingying prepare lunch, while she walked in by herself.

Concubine Duan immediately pretended to be nonchalant when she saw Mrs. Zhang and said, "You are really too. Although I give you snacks, remember to clean up after eating. Put them here for Ai's family to see?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhang Momo repeatedly agreed: "The old slave was about to clean up just now, but happened to be in a hurry, so I thought about going to the latrine first and then coming back to clean up. I beg the concubine to forgive me."

"Take this box down, such a sweet thing, don't attract bugs to Ai's house."

Concubine Duan was waving her hands, disdainful against her will.

"How does Empress Dowager Tai know that this dessert is very sweet?" Nanny Zhang suddenly asked this question out of nowhere.

As soon as she asked, she felt that something was wrong, but she was not in a hurry to correct it. After all, the sooner the empress dowager made her request official, the sooner she would be happy.

"Aijia..." Concubine Duan choked for a moment, then she was out of breath in an instant: "How did Aijia know? Aijia didn't know it just by smelling it! Through the lid of the box, I could smell a strong sweet fragrance. Look at her, she is uneasy and kind, knowing that the Ai family hates bugs, she just made such sweet things for the Ai family to suffer from bugs."

"Oh..." Madam Zhang gave a meaningful "Oh".

Concubine Duan saw that her eyes were not right, she became anxious, and suddenly lifted the lid of the food box.

"Smell it, is it too sweet? After eating all of this, there is still such a sweet smell. Isn't it a bug for Ai's family?"

Nanny Zhang looked at the food box and then at Concubine Duan: "Oh, Madam Concubine, this snack really attracts bugs. Look, there was only one piece left just now, why it suddenly disappeared? Could it be that it was caught by bugs?" Eaten?"

Concubine Duan: "..."

Concubine Duan pursed her lips, frowned and nodded: "It's bugs, this pastry attracts bugs too much, mother, you go and tell her, tell her not to send things over in the future, so as not to scare all the bugs in Prince Qin's mansion." I've been recruited to Ai's family."

At this moment, Bai Yingying led someone in from the outside.

Behind her, Qiuju, Dongmei, Xiaohong and Xiaocui followed, all holding food boxes in their hands.

When Bai Yingying saw Concubine Duan, she immediately smiled all over her face, and quickly walked up to her: "Concubine Mu, have you rested?"

While speaking, she had stretched out her hands to grab Concubine Duan's arm.

"There are no rules. When I see Ai's family, I don't know how to salute." Concubine Duan gave Bai Yingying a sideways look, her eyes full of disgust.

Bai Yingying immediately let go of her, then bent down and bowed to her: "Daughter-in-law sees mother concubine, mother concubine Wanan."

"There is no sincerity at all." Concubine Duan continued to be picky with her eyes in the sky: "Other daughters-in-law would kneel down to pay their respects when they see their mother-in-law, but you stand taller than the Ai family."

Bai Yingying: "..."

This concubine has a big temper.

Bai Yingying smiled slightly, and straightened up: "Mother and concubine, I don't care about this salute. Those daughter-in-laws kneel down to pay their respects to their mother-in-law every day. In their hearts, they can't compare with the daughter-in-law's filial piety and respect for their mother-in-law."

"Hmph!" Concubine Duan snorted coldly: "If you are really filial, Shuang'er of the Ai family will not die."

(End of this chapter)

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