The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 874 You are really a genius!

Chapter 874 You are really a genius!
As soon as Liu Guang finished speaking, Yu Juechen's eyes widened in shock: "Your Highness, you are really clever!"

"This is a grand banquet!" Chu Tianci said solemnly, "Yu Juechen, you're like this..."

He waved at Yu Juechen, Yu Juechen hurriedly poked his head over, Chu Tianci instructed him in detail, and then waved him away.

Chu Tianci went to the door, opened the door, and saw Liu Guang standing at the door, he said: "Go back, I just said that the king, the concubine, and the concubine mother will definitely arrive."


Chu Tianci came out of the room and went to Bai Yingying's room, but saw that there was no one there. When he came out, he saw Xiaohong, and asked, "Where is the concubine?"

Xiaohong: "The concubine has gone to the Ci'an Hall, do you want the servants to invite the empress back?"

"No need."

After saying that, Chu Tianci came to Ci'an Hall alone.

Entering the gate of Ci'an Hall and passing through a flower hall, Bai Yingying's voice came from inside.

"Mother Concubine, this mask of mine is very effective. Applying it on the face can delay aging."

Bai Yingying giggled, "I don't need a beauty like Concubine Mu, but time is merciless. If I can apply this mask every few days, Concubine Mu will be as beautiful as she is now when she is 50."

"You have a sweet mouth!" Concubine Duan's tone was full of pampering: "However, the past few days, Ai's face has been applied like this, and I really feel that my face is smooth and tender like an egg that has been peeled off its shell. Everyone feels that their current appearance is almost catching up with their youthful appearance."

"Catch up with everything soon." Bai Yingying said, "Obviously, I have already caught up. Concubine Mu, please stop talking. When applying this mask, it's best to just lie down and not move at all."


Then, sure enough, there was no sound.

Chu Tianci slowed down, walked in quietly, stopped outside the window of Concubine Duan's dormitory, looked in from the window, and saw two people lying on two beauties side by side, one wearing a long purple embroidered dress, the other One was wearing a bright yellow dress with hibiscus and butterflies embroidered on it, which was extremely delicious and moving.

There was a white mask on their faces. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, just based on their figures, Chu Tianci could tell that the woman in the bright yellow dress was his little Jiaojiao Bai Yingying.

At this time, it was not easy for him to go in and disturb her, so he just stood under the bed and looked at his little beauty quietly.

After about a quarter of an hour, Bai Yingying reached out and wiped the white mask off her face, then sat up.

"Mother, it's all right."

As Bai Yingying said, she got up and walked to Concubine Duan, carefully took off the mask on her face, and then took the beauty mirror next to her to shine on Concubine Duan.

"Mother Concubine, look, isn't it beautiful?"

Concubine Duan took the mirror and looked left and right, first she smiled and said: "Sure enough, the skin is much more tender."

"That's not true." Bai Yingying said with a smile: "Mother, you don't know, this mask is now the best in Jiulixiang, and it sells thousands of pieces every day."

"Well, Yingying is really capable, she is indeed the daughter of the Ai family." Concubine Duan held up the mirror and looked at it for a while, then suddenly sighed softly.

"Mother Concubine, what's the matter?" Bai Yingying sensitively captured the other party's emotions, and asked, "Mother Concubine, what's bothering you?"

Concubine Duan shook her head, put down the mirror, and grabbed Bai Yingying's hand: "Mother Concubine has such a good daughter like you, how can there be troubles?"

"But you obviously sighed just now." Bai Yingying said.

(End of this chapter)

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